I for one have been a master of over complicating my thinking process on more than one occasion in my life. And when I say more than one I mean billions. (I am also the master of over-exaggeration)
It should be a simple thing just getting through the day meeting those basic human needs successfully, but as you know humans are more than capable of sabotaging even the simplest of task or thought or feeling at any given moment. And with a long list of ‘things’ and ‘people’ to blame it’s a cycle that’s hasn’t always been easy to break.
Masters at creating a story or narrative to excuse our behaviour aren’t we? Deceiving ourselves into believing we are the reality and everything else in the Universe needs to shoe horn itself into our daily routine! Unfortunately this just removes us far from the actual self knowledge we are seeking to best discover ourselves, to equip us best for this journey and to give us specific and accurate self care maintenance to be happy. After all – that big smile is the holy grail.
It’s super important to monitor how we feel each day and this will always be a result of how we are behaving, whether we are in true alignment. If we don’t feel so good then we are off line. We need to check how we are acting as well as what we are saying and thinking. Truthfully too. That’s not always the easiest bit is it?
To take ourselves to task honestly without bias and free of judgement or expectation so we can really get a hold on what’s going on. And particularly where other people are concerned.
You know these people who really wind you up, or that we blame for winding us up. It doesn’t have to be a parent or partner or colleague or client or boss. It could just be the kid on the bike that cut you up on the street. The postman for putting your letter through the wrong door.
So with this in mind here is an hypnotic exercise which will help you to develop an emotional intelligence for understanding another’s experience and perspective to dampen some of that negativity which often rises.
As always just relax and listen and try to get a sense of your own experience, there is no right or wrong way of doing these exercises just be you.