Throat chakra (Vishuddha) symbol
Vishuddha chakra symbol resembles a mandala lotus, and it consists of 16 petals with vrittis, an inverted triangle with a circle in it and seed mantra HAMहं in the centre.
Location: Throat base and larynx centre
Responsibility: Find your voice, speak your truth, self expression and conviction.
Colour: Sky blue
Element: Ether space and sound
The Throat Chakra restores the energy by detoxifying the impurities from the body and mind. Unhealthy food and polluted air block the Throat Chakra. An active Vishuddhi Chakra contributes to the preservation of health. The Throat Chakra is associated with the colour bright blue.
The fifth throat chakra has a healing, calming energy linked to high vibration and positive qualities like faith and trust, creative strength and strong decision making. Power of choice.
It works closely with the second chakra (Swadhisthana). The sacral chakra helps you access your passion and creativity, and the throat chakra allows you to express it and share your ideas with others.
The throat chakra is associated with the healing colour light sky blue and the ether space and sound element, relating to expressional expansion. Therefore, the condition of this chakra will determine the state of our self expression and freedom. So, the stronger it is, the more open we are to being strong and expressive as our true self.
A balanced Throat Chakra
If your throat chakra is balanced, you’ll feel confident in public speaking and expressing your ideas and opinions. You’ll be able to clearly articulate your words and speak your truth without holding back. You’ll also be able to listen to others and participate in debates and heated conversations without turning them into arguments.
An unbalanced Throat Chakra
If there is a blockage in your fifth chakra, you’ll struggle to communicate with others and express yourself fully. Firstly, if the chakra is underactive, you might hold back in speaking your truth and instead say what you think will please others. In addition, you’ll likely detest public speaking and avoid sharing ideas in meetings.
Chakra Significance
It doesn’t have to be complicated or overly philosophical to consider the benefits of paying attention to the 7 chakras.
Without a doubt they are areas of the physical human body we are all familiar with. You don’t have to be religious or sceptical to know that looking after your health is key to your personal happiness and prosperity.
So it makes sense that we should ensure we maintain and care for ourselves from top to bottom and the 7 chakras are a wonderful illustration and map for guidance on how we can try to do this daily, both physically and non-physically. Emotionally and intellectually. Spiritually and consciously. You don’t have to believe in anything in particular and it doesn’t matter what you believe, if anything.
There may be 7 chakra different points yet they are not wholly independent of each other and do not work in isolation. In fact they are in total coordination with each other, connected and reliant on each others wellness. Having said that it is useful to understand their functions alone to see this connection and also useful to work individually on each chakra to open and cleanse and heal which aids the over all healing of the chakra chain
Every day fifth chakra
When the throat chakra is in healthy alignment you will feel creative and authentic with your true self, have faith in your decision making and connected to the world around you. You will feel open to all experiences in life, and it will feel like challenges, especially in relationships, flow through you and are resolved with ease. An open throat chakra allows us to see all of the beauty and love around us, and truly connect to ourselves, our loved ones, and the natural world. This chakra also helps direct our values and truth with freedom and trust as we love and accept ourselves and our bodies.
Blocked energy can also have a profound effect on the nature of our mind and mental state. Mentally, an imbalanced throat chakra can result in problematic issues, such as low creativity and self-esteem, easy to judge and criticise and anxious with fear of expressing ourselves truthfully.
It’s important at this point to halt the wrong vibrations which will only spiral into a path of physical pain, poor decision making and blocks of creativity and belief.
Vishuddha is associated with the element ether space and sound. It is linked to the sacral chakra, also the place of emotions and creativity. It helps you to become aware of your life mission, as this is where you hear your inner voice.
Ether is sometimes referred to as space because it is the space that the other elements fill. Ether has the properties of lightness, airiness and spirituality. It has also been equated by some with the concept of consciousness. We can embody this element by keeping our throat centre open and our love free-flowing.
When your energy stagnates and you are overwhelmed with low self-esteem, anxiety and silence then your tendency to be sensitive to criticism and addiction and isolation is at greater risk. This is the moment to pay attention to the fourth chakra warning and change the way you care for yourself.
Listen to the calming affirmations audio attached to this article to see an example of a simple and quick way to instantly begin to heal and repair your Vishuddha chakra.
Healing, balancing and opening the Throat Chakra
You are naturally aware that the throat chakra is open and balanced, as the bright sky blue light shines over your throat energy hub feelings, your self-expression and conviction flow freely and easily. You are creative and firm in your choices.
It doesn’t always need to be a last minute emergency break down that calls for throat chakra maintenance, it is easy and simple to implement balance and openness with just a few simple daily techniques to head off chakra blockages.
How to Balance the Throat Chakra
- The throat chakra is linked to the colour blue.
- Do neck stretches.
- Focus on your breath.
- Use throat chakra stones.
- Try yoga poses.
- Try a reiki healing session.
- Work with the bija mantra.
- Find time for journaling.
A Healing Visualization for Throat Chakra
Meditation is a beautiful grounding practice when focused on the bright sky blue throat chakra, a force of nature connecting your physical body and the element of the ether space and sound.
Meditation isn’t a mystical practise. It is a daydreaming state we are all capable of entering at the click of our fingers, yet so powerful as a tool to clear and redirect the balance and energy of the body and mind. There is no right or wrong way of doing it, there is not fear attached to the process. Just be you and just daydream.
Just try this basic daydream visualization and the attached audio of relaxation. Be specific in dwelling on the throat chakra area in your throat area.
Picture in your relaxed quiet mind, a bright glowing sky blue sky of light like a beam and stream, and shimmer and glimmer of blue power flowing and glowing from your throat chakra, up and down and around your body and mind. A self empowered glow from head to toe.
And when your mind wanders, because it does, and its OK, then simply return to this meditation technique as many times as you feel the need. Be that light blue ball of energy flow. Feel that bright blue connection between your throat chakra and the ether space.
Then, after several minutes, imagine releasing the blue light, allowing the sky light blue glow to flow and see the blueness light dissolving as you breathe out deeply releasing into the air around you.
Imagine any energy that no longer serves or benefits you seeping out of your body and away from you.
Throat chakra diet
As well as daily habits attending to the maintenance and clearing of our mind, our structured sleep patterns, the sweet essence of daydreaming, the simplicity of a personalised physical and breathing exercise program and time and travel in natures glorious sights and fresh air; it is vital we have a diet that compliments the care of each chakra.
To avoid the heavy feelings of being drained and low, we should deliberately eat foods which connect us with the ether space and sound element.
For the throat chakra, think healing and soothing foods and liquids such as coconut water, herbal teas, raw honey, and lemon, fruit smoothies, cantaloupe, watermelon, honeydew. Fruit that grows on trees such as apples, pears, and plums are also known to be excellent at healing this chakra.
Enjoy and savour these foods, each bite and taste a precious invasion of the heart chakra energy. Feel the comfort and the pleasure as the green light glow enters your physical body and your mind knows all about it.
Vishuddha Chakra Meditation
Take a long and deep breath. As you exhale, move attention to your throat, and imagine a sapphire-blue chakra. The blue glow of the chakra spreads like a vibration or a pulse from your throat to fill your neck and head first and then the rest of your body.
- Imagine walking through a forest on a narrow path that is lined on both sides by huge shade-giving trees. You hear the sounds of insects, of small animals scurrying around and of happily chirping birds. In the distance, a stream flowing over its rocky bed makes a pleasant gurgling sound.
- You find a small clearing against a giant log that has fallen on the forest floor. You walk up to it and sit with your back resting against the log.
- The sounds of the forest become even more evident to you. There is a magical quality to them and you can now hear the faintest of sounds. The whole forest is playing a symphony, especially for you.
- Now see your fifth chakra spinning and gaining strength. As it spins faster, a blue light washes over you and pervades every cell, every pore in your body.
- Breathe deeply and feel the energy funnelling into your throat, which is bursting with dazzling blue light.
- Rest in this awareness.
- Gently stand up and start walking back from the fallen log to the edge of the forest, where you first started. Look back at the singing
- forest and feel one with it.
- When you are ready, open your eyes and arise.
100 Throat Chakra Affirmations
- I always stay calm and collected when I speak.
- I always take part in intelligent discussions.
- I always voice my opinions in a calm and considerate way.
- I am a confident speaker.
- I am confident speaking in my area of expertise.
- I am a deliberate listener, pausing to reflect before responding.
- I am a good listener.
- I am a great communicator.
- I am clear and concise in my communications.
- I am a patient and attentive listener.
- I am always present when I communicate with others.
- I am an excellent speaker.
- I speak my truth freely and openly
- Being honest frees me.
- I am accountable for expressing myself clearly.
- I am safe and express myself truthfully.
- My honesty attracts what I deserve.
- I have the strength to tame my tongue.
- I have a rich vocabulary and add to it daily.
- I can talk about anything and everything with my people.
- I express myself most clearly and honestly.
- I listen intently when others are speaking.
- I am a born speaker.
- I trust my ability to speak for what is right, than any other thing.
- I have nothing to worry about- I have mastered one of the most important skills and that is communication.
- I make people laugh with my great sense of humor.
- My plus point is I am confident to speak with anyone.
- I can flow with the conversation.
- I am friendly and good to talk to.
- I can safely communicate my feelings with others.
- I only take part in positive conversations.
- My words illuminate my point of view.
- I will others understand the importance of having good communication skills.
- My talent for communication has helped me a lot to get over many things.
- I enjoy talking to other people.
- I make eye contact with people when I speak.
- I can make a difference in society and the world with the help of my communication skills.
- I speak with confidence and calmness.
- My ability to communicate draws others closer to me.
- I express myself with ease.
- I interact well with others.
- My voice matters.
- My words matter.
- I am proud of my communication skills.
- I increase my vocabulary every day.
- I know what the right thing is to say.
- I comfort others with my words.
- I clearly express myself.
- I have a loving voice.
- I deserve to be fully expressed in who I am.
- I release the blocks that keep me from being the fullest expression of myself.
- I am vibrant and radiating with light.
- I let go of any fear that exists in me about being fully expressed.
- I am creative.
- It is okay for me to want more.
- I am allowed to take up space.
- I am allowed to speak up.
- I am allowed to be uniquely me.
- I am worthy of a self-expressed life.
- I can be who I am right now in this moment.
- I do not need permission to be me.
- I express what I feel with strength, confidence, and honesty.
- It is safe for me to follow my curiosity in life.
- I surrender to the magical mystery of the universe, and to her divine guidance.
- I am deeply in love with and accept all of me.
- I am fully expressed.
- I express myself clearly and truthfully.
- I am safe to express my feelings and emotions.
- I make space for self-expression in my life.
- I am creative in the way that I express myself.
- I am worthy, and who I am right now, is worth expressing.
- My voice is my power.
- I am being sung by source energy.
- I expand my energy and let go of judgments.
- My voice is a unique contribution to the world.
- My body is open and free to express my voice.
- I trust the brilliance that comes through my voice.
- I always express my emotions.
- I let others know how I am really feeling.
- I always speak my mind.
- I show the world who I truly am.
- I allow others to see the real me.
- I stand up for myself and tell people how I feel.
- I stand up for what I believe in.
- I am comfortable confronting others and telling them how I feel.
- My words are positive and passionate.
- I value what other people have to say.
- I can remain calm when speaking to others.
- I read quickly and easily with great comprehension of all subject matter.
- I have many things to share with the people around me.
- I freely express my emotions in a calm and thoughtful manner.
- I am a natural communicator.
- I find talking to people on the phone easy and enjoyable.
- I express my feelings with sincerity.
- I talk only when others have finished speaking.
- I am an excellent communicator.
- I turn pending arguments into enriching discussions.
- It is totally safe for me to express my own true feelings.
- My ability to communicate effectively improves daily.
- I always speak in terms of success and prosperity.
Throat Chakra Yoga Poses
The sky blue light energy of the throat chakra helps set healthy boundaries and feel glowing confidence relating to love for self expression truth and decisive commitment for self and others from within. If you have trouble with lack of expression and conviction you can boost confidence with these yoga poses
Shoulder Stand

Salamba Sarvangasana
Roll on your back, bringing the weight towards your upper back and shoulders. Bend your elbows and place your palms on your back for support. Stretch your legs up towards the ceiling. Draw your elbows in towards each other, and walk your hands up your back, towards the upper back to help lift your spine off the floor.
- Lie on your back with your upper back on a sturdy folded blanket. Your head is resting on the mat, so the blanket ends in the hollow of your neck. Legs are either outstretched or knees bent. Arms are next to your body with the palms down.
- Push your lower back into the floor as you exhale and on an inhale lift your legs up, while you press your arms and palms into the floor.
- Sweep your legs over your head, and use that momentum to curl the hips up and off the floor. Roll on your back, bringing the weight towards your upper back and shoulders.
- Bend your elbows and place your palms on your back for support.
- Stretch your legs up towards the ceiling. Draw your elbows in towards each other, and walk your hands up your back, towards the upper back to help lift your spine off the floor. Open your chest and draw your shoulder blades in.
- Slightly draw your thighs towards each other and keep most of weight in your upper back and arms.
- Relax your face and throat, gaze at your chest and guide your breathe towards your belly. You can start by staying in this pose for 30 seconds and build up the time from there if you wish.
- To come out, lower your legs towards the floor to about a 45-degree angle. Then roll your spine slowly and carefully back to the floor (with knees bent if you prefer), eventually placing your feet on the floor.
Stretches the shoulders and neck.
- Cooling, calming, quietens the nervous system.
- Reduces fluid retention in the legs and feet Regulates and normalises elimination.
- The thyroid and para-thyroid are nourished with blood.
- Reduces fatigue and can help you to improve your sleep.
- Improves digestion.
Lion Pose

From a seated position with the hips on the heels and the palms resting on the knees, inhale and reach the crown of the head up to lengthen the spine.
As you exhale, bring the palms to the floor in front of the knees, arch the spine, look up at the third eye point, stick out the tongue and roar like a lion out of your mouth.
Inhale back to the starting position and repeat 2-5 times.
Benefits Lion pose strengthens the lungs, throat, and voice. This posture stimulates the tonsils and the immune system and helps to reduce stress and anger.
Bridge Pose

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Lie faceup with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at your sides with palms facedown. Keep your feet parallel and hip-width apart, heels stacked under knees.
On an inhale, activate through the legs and the glutes. Press the floor away with your feet and lift the hips off the floor toward the sky.
If your shoulders are tight and you want more leverage, try holding the sides of your yoga mat and lifting your hips. You may also wish to interlace your fingers underneath your “bridge” and shimmy your shoulders under the chest.
When you’re ready to come down, lift your heels up and slowly lower your hips back to the ground, one vertebra at a time.
Pro tip: To keep your knees from bowing out to the side, place a block between the upper thighs. Squeeze it tight as you lift up into Bridge Pose.
This energizing backbend opens your chest and stretches your neck and spine. It can calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and help improve digestion.
Plow Pose

Plow Pose is an inverted yoga posture that stretches the spine and shoulders while rejuvenating the nervous system. Because the pose calms and relaxes the nerves, brain, and heart, it is traditionally practised near the end of a yoga class to help prepare the practitioner for Corpse Pose (Savasana) and meditation.
It is named after the shape of an Indian plow (or plough), which is used to cultivate the land. In practice, the poses soothing and revitalizing aspects prepare the landscape of your mind, body, and spirit for deep contemplation and renewal.
Plow Pose opens the neck, shoulders, and back. By compressing the abdomen, it massages and tones the digestive organs, which improves detoxification. This pose stimulates and regulates the thyroid gland, relieves excess phlegm and mucus, and regulates the breath.
Cat Pose

Marjaryasana (Mar-jar-YA-SUN-ah)
Marjari= cat asana= pose
It’s such a common pose that it can be easy to fall into autopilot and practice it mindlessly or to rush through it on your way to what follows. Slow down. Let yourself experience it. While in this pose, focus on tucking your tail-bone, rounding your spine, and releasing your neck.
Take a moment (or more) to find stillness in your body and your breath. Perhaps you ignore the teachers’ cue and simply stay here for several breaths. Completely surrender to the stretch. That stillness, awareness, and breath can set the stage for the rest of your practice.
Benefits: Cat Pose stretches your wrists, shoulders, and spine and prepares you for further movement. The slow rhythm you create when you move between Cat Pose and Cow Pose synchronizing your breath and body incites the relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system) and deactivates your stress response (sympathetic nervous system). When practised with mindfulness, the pose also enhances body awareness.
Throat Chakra Stones and Crystals and aroma
Lapis lazuli
Blue apatite
Blue lace agate
Essential oils for your Throat Chakra:
Cypress – Considered a highly spiritual oil, cypress is known for its restorative, detoxifying properties.
It is said to help promote inner renewal, and can treat issues with the throat and respiratory system.
Lavender – Lavender oil promotes peace, positivity, and awareness of our surroundings.
The protective and healing properties of the oil help to revitalise us and leave us feeling self-assured, giving us the ability to communicate at our best.
Spearmint -Uplifting and mood-boosting, spearmint helps us to speak with compassion and purpose.
It can also relieve stress-induced tension, leaving us in a better position to listen to others and engage with their issues.
Throat Chakra Sound Healing
Throat Chakra (frequency: 741 Hz)
It is also the chakra of self-expression and creativity. Blue is the colour of the throat chakra because blue is often associated with communication and empathy. The solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz stimulates the throat chakra