Third Eye Chakra symbol
The Ajna symbol is an OM positioned over an inverted triangle that is seated within a circle between two lotus petals. This symbol contains two elements associated with wisdom: the upside-down triangle and the lotus flower.
Location: Between the eyebrows
Responsibility: Higher knowledge, intuition, sixth sense perception
Colour: Indigo
Element: Light
As we travel upwards into the head, the energy shifts more into the spiritual realm and closer to divine consciousness, The third-eye chakra (called Ajna in Sanskrit) sits between the eyebrows. It is the first of the seven chakras not located on the spine, yet it is still in line with it.
The third-eye chakra is the centre of our intuition. It governs our vision, both in terms of sight and imagination. Unfortunately, many people are too grounded in the physical realm to access this chakra, and it may remain closed for their entire life. However, those with an open sixth chakra will be able to access the power of their intuition.
The third-eye chakra is associated with higher knowledge, intuition, and what you might think of as your sixth sense. The third eye helps you perceive a cosmic vision beyond the physical world that your eyes can see The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the colour indigo.
The sixth chakra is pattern recognition, also known as the “seeing” chakra. The element of the third eye is light which gives us the ability to see, to take in the shape and form of things around us from a distance.
Awakening, enlightenment, implosion, explosion, break down, break through, arrival. These are often ways people will describe their third eye awakening experience. The truth is, you will arrive at a deeper truth than you were once aware of and living from.
The mudra of wisdom and knowledge cultivates a sense of clarity and insight and works to open and balance the third eye chakra. To form this mudra, bring the tips of the thumb and first finger to touch.
A balanced Third Eye Chakra
If your third-eye chakra is open, you’ll be able to see the bigger picture in situations and will make decisions without the egos’ influence. You’ll be able to hear and follow guidance and affirmation from the universe through your intuition and have a strong imagination.
An unbalanced Third Eye Chakra
If your third-eye chakra is blocked, you’ll be overly attached to the external world and unable to connect to your inner wisdom. An Ajna chakra blockage can manifest physically as headaches and vision problems. It’s also possible for the third eye chakra to be overactive. If this happens, you’ll likely be cynical about beliefs different from yours and have trouble accepting reality.
Chakra Significance
It doesn’t have to be complicated or overly philosophical to consider the benefits of paying attention to the 7 chakras.
Without a doubt they are areas of the physical human body we are all familiar with. You don’t have to be religious or sceptical to know that looking after your health is key to your personal happiness and prosperity.
So it makes sense that we should ensure we maintain and care for ourselves from top to bottom and the 7 chakras are a wonderful illustration and map for guidance on how we can try to do this daily, both physically and non-physically. Emotionally and intellectually. Spiritually and consciously. You don’t have to believe in anything in particular and it doesn’t matter what you believe, if anything.
There may be 7 chakra different points yet they are not wholly independent of each other and do not work in isolation. In fact they are in total coordination with each other, connected and reliant on each others wellness. Having said that it is useful to understand their functions alone to see this connection and also useful to work individually on each chakra to open and cleanse and heal which aids the over all healing of the chakra chain
Every day sixth chakra
This chakra goes far beyond physical perception, this tells us that something exists when only the inner sight can tell us what it is. The third eye chakra witnesses the “internal screen” where memory and fantasy, images and archetypes, intuition and imagination are displayed. From this, we create meaning and consciousness to everyday life. The third eye chakra is our gut feeling, our inner teacher, and our strong intuition.
When the sixth chakra is open people feel intuitive with their body and mind. These people have a really good memory of the past and often can recall dreams in detail. With an open third eye chakra, a person’s imagination is very strong and detailed. They know what they want out of life and follow their strong intuition/gut feelings. When the sixth chakra is balanced and can experience a strong perception of surroundings. People with an open third eye chakra are able to think symbolically and are able to visualize concepts, ideas, and dreams.
If the third eye chakra is closed off this means that a person can be closed off in their imagination and their intuition. These people can be insensitive, have a poor memory, and experience difficulty visualizing/seeing the future. When the sixth chakra is low in energy, someone can be known to be in denial or mono-polarized—only seeing one way and believing it’s the only right way. With a deficiency in the third eye chakra, it can be really challenging to go with your gut feeling or know what to do/make decisions. It can be difficult to picture the future or have the drive to reach goals and dreams.
Excess energy in the third eye chakra can be scary for some people. If there is too much visualization, a person can experience hallucinations, delusions, and nightmares. More often, people seem to latch onto things and create obsessions which can make it difficult to concentrate on anything else outside of their comfort zone.
Healing, balancing and opening the Third Eye Chakra
You are naturally aware that the third eye chakra is open and balanced, as the bright indigo light shines over your intuition energy hub, feeling insightful and observant, you can see beyond your physical being with intelligent and creative guidance. You are clear and purposeful in your thinking and behaviour.
It doesn’t always need to be a last minute emergency break down that calls for third eye chakra maintenance, it is easy and simple to implement balance and openness with just a few simple daily techniques to head off chakra blockages.
How to Balance the Third Eye Chakra
- Activate your third eye.
- Supplement your diet.
- Apply essential oils.
- Try sun gazing.
- Practice meditation and chanting.
- Use crystals
- Cultivate inner peace
- Use intuition exercises
- Nurture your creativity
- Practice grounding.
A Healing Visualization for Third Eye Chakra
Meditation is a beautiful grounding practice when focused on the bright indigo third eye chakra, a force of nature connecting your physical body and the element of light.
Meditation isn’t a mystical practise. It is a daydreaming state we are all capable of entering at the click of our fingers, yet so powerful as a tool to clear and redirect the balance and energy of the body and mind. There is no right or wrong way of doing it, there is not fear attached to the process. Just be you and just daydream.
Just try this basic daydream visualization and the attached audio of relaxation. Be specific in dwelling on the third eye chakra area between your eyebrows.
Picture in your relaxed quiet mind, a bright glowing indigo light like a beam and stream, and shimmer and glimmer of indigo power flowing and glowing from your third eye chakra, up and down and around your body and mind. A self empowered glow from head to toe.
And when your mind wanders, because it does, and its OK, then simply return to this meditation technique as many times as you feel the need. Be that indigo ball of energy flow between your eyebrows. Feel that bright indigo connection between your third eye chakra and the light.
Then, after several minutes, imagine releasing the indigo light, allowing the indigo glow to flow and see the it dissolving as you breathe out deeply releasing into the light around you.
Imagine any energy that no longer serves or benefits you seeping out of your body and away from you.
Third eye chakra diet
As well as daily habits attending to the maintenance and clearing of our mind, our structured sleep patterns, the sweet essence of daydreaming, the simplicity of a personalised physical and breathing exercise program and time and travel in natures glorious sights and fresh air; it is vital we have a diet that compliments the care of each chakra.
To avoid the heavy feelings of being drained and low, we should deliberately eat foods which connect us with the light element.
For the third eye chakra, in line with the natural indigo chakra colour, a wonderful accompaniment are the blue (dark blue) fruits like blue berries, black berries, egg plan, red cabbage, raspberries as well as juices such as wine and grape. Add spices like poppy seeds which are considered perfect for the chakra.
Enjoy and savour these foods, each bite and taste a precious invasion of the third eye chakra energy. Feel the comfort and the pleasure as the indigo light glow enters your physical body and your mind knows all about it.
Ajna Sixth Chakra Meditation
Go to a quiet, relaxing area.
- Sit comfortably with good posture so your spine is elongated with a natural curve at the bottom. Lower your chin slightly. Now place your hands so that your index fingers and thumbs are touching at the tips. Close your eyes gently.
- Breathe deeply through your nose, from the diaphragm. Hold your breath for a moment at the end of your inhales. Then exhale through your mouth.
- Relax your face. Feel the relaxation extending to your body.
- Gradually relax more and more.
- Focus your attention between your eyebrows. Become aware of the Ajna chakra opening. Feel the gradual increase of energy in your pineal gland (between your eyebrows).
- Feel it opening and radiating light.
- Notice the light traveling outwards from your Ajna chakra in 360 degrees.
- Let go and release any negative or disruptive thoughts.
- Continue to relax
- Allow the sphere of light in your forehead to grow. Observe the light radiating.
- Continue to relax your body. As you do so, be aware of the sensation of your body becoming lighter and lighter.
- Allow your Ajna chakra to open, continuing to relax.
- Allow the light to flow through you, out of your Ajna chakra.
- Ask your Higher Self to fill your whole body with pure white light. The light fills you throughout, into every place in and around you.
- Ask your divine self if there are other ways to open the chakra. This is important. Your higher self will send you ideas for continuing your development. Listen to those ideas.
- Once you have experienced the open Ajna chakra for long enough, take your time and gradually bring your awareness back to the present moment.
- Say (aloud or in your head) “I am fully present in this moment, here and now.”
- Take a deep breath, stretch, and express gratitude.
- This entire process should take approximately twenty minutes.
100 Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
- I trust my intuition, always.
- I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences.
- I am connected to my higher power.
- I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe.
- Every situation is an opportunity for growth.
- I am able to see and act in alignment with my divine purpose.
- I open myself to new energy and experience.
- I am a present observer in my life.
- Seeing and understanding the big picture comes naturally to me.
- My life moves effortlessly towards my purpose.
- My imagination is vivid and powerful.
- I nurture my spirit and am in tune with its needs.
- I am the source of my truth.
- I live in alignment with my authentic self.
- I trust that my highest good is unfolding.
- I choose to tap into my inner wisdom.
- My inner wisdom guides me to my highest good.
- My third eye sees all.
- I radiate indigo-blue light from my third eye chakra.
- I honor my intuition and use it as a guide.
- My inner self always has the answer.
- Whenever I am in doubt, I always listen to my intuition.
- I trust my intuition more and more every day.
- My intuition is highly accurate and clear.
- Everything I need is within me.
- I know my intuition will guide me in the right direction.
- My intuition leads me to my passion and purpose in life.
- I have found that if I quiet myself, the answers will come to me.
- My intuition knows the way.
- I see all things in clarity.
- I am open to the wisdom within.
- I can manifest my vision.
- I trust and follow my intuition.
- I am connected to my true path and purpose.
- I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
- I am the source of my truth and my love.
- I open myself to know my inner guidance and deepest wisdom.
- I release and forgive the past.
- I am now using my intuition and insight without fear and without delusion.
- I deepen my connection with spirit and discover the unique ways it speaks to me.
- I am an open and clear channel to receive guidance and clarity from my guides and the universe.
- My body is a powerful messenger and I listen carefully to the signs and guidance I receive.
- I open myself to seeing new possibilities that align with my spirit.
- I am connected with all beings and feel the wisdom of all of life embedded within my body, mind, and spirit.
- I am an extension of the Universe.
- I am a loving soul in a human body.
- I am an expression of the divine.
- I am stepping into a new and fresh awareness
- I am now allowing myself to be guided by the universe,
- I am connected to the abundance universe.
- I am a divine being.
- I am connecting to my higher self.
- I am giving thanks and I am grateful for all my successes in life.
- I am sailing the sea of abundance.
- I am the captain of my ship.
- I am guided by my good feelings.
- I am connected to the Universe.
- I am a spirit having a human experience.
- I can tap into source energy at any time.
- I am an eternal and infinite being.
- I release the past and let go of the future.
- My true power lies in the present moment.
- I am one with the Universe.
- I trust the divine plan of the Universe.
- I am on the path to enlightenment.
- I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe.
- I’m willing to be led by the Universe.
- My intuition is my superpower.
- I am a channel for inspiration.
- I am aligned with the Universe.
- I step back and let the Universe lead the way.
- I am in tune with my inner guide.
- I know I’m being guided toward the highest good.
- I choose to be the light in all situations.
- I’m a magnet for miracles.
- I choose to view my obstacles as opportunities to get closer to God.
- The world is my classroom and the people are my assignments.
- I release all blocks to my spiritual connection.
- I let go of fear and I’m ready to realign.
- I’m ready to lift the veil of the spiritual realm.
- I’m willing to learn through love.
- I always let love lead the way.
- Every day, in every way I am connecting to the Universe.
- I am responsible for my spiritual development.
- Everyone has my unconditional love.
- My work is needed in this world.
- Today, I am connecting to God.
- Today, I take a step back and let the Universe guide me.
- I am powerful.
- My body is a lovely home for my radiant soul.
- Today I will be kind to myself and others.
- All things are possible with God’s help.
- Today is a beautiful day, full of love and joy.
- Thank you for my life, and all that I have to be grateful for.
- I love and accept myself.
- My thoughts are positive and loving, just like the intentions of God.
- I give myself permission to be happy and fulfilled in my life.
- I am a part of the Divine and I deserve to be happy.
- I feel love and live in peace.
- I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance.
Third Eye Yoga Poses
The energy of this chakra allows us to see and understand the inner and outer worlds. When open, the third eye chakra connects us to the present moment and can deepen spiritual connection as well as provide wisdom and insight. The Third-Eye Chakra, also called the Ajna Chakra, is one of 7 chakras. It is the centre of perception, consciousness and intuition. It is pronounced as ‘Agya Chakra’ and is the focal point of concentration during asana or meditation practices.
Thunderbolt Pose

- Kneel on the yoga mat or other soft surface.
- Cross your big toes so your feet create a support for your bottom to rest on.
- Sit back with your feet relaxed and without placing the ball of the foot on the ground.
- Place your hands in front of you, on your knees, while keeping your arms relaxed. You can face your palms up or down depending on what feels comfortable to you. Pulling the hands into a praying position can encourage the flow of energy.
- Straighten your spine so your back is perpendicular to the floor and not rounded. Pull your shoulders back and tighten your core, pulling your navel into your spine.
- Engage your neck to support your head as you set your gaze forward, preventing your head from hanging down.
- Breathe in deeply and release the breaths slowly. As you inhale and exhale, your chest will expand and collapse. Continue to keep your back straight and actively avoid slouching as your breathing tugs at your posture.
- Close your eyes and bring your focus to your inner world.
- Stay in this position for your desired amount of time.
- Come out of the Thunderbolt pose by uncrossing your big toes, kneeling back up, and returning to a standing position.
Lotus Pose

Lotus Pose is perhaps the most recognized yoga pose today, even by people who don’t practice yoga. It is considered by many to be the “classic” yoga pose. Lotus is often used for meditation, and many yoga classes begin or end with this pose. However, Lotus Pose is an advanced pose that is not suitable for those who are new to yoga. Be sure to try alternative seated positions, such as Easy Pose (Sukhasana), if you are a beginner or if you have less flexibility in your lower body.
The Sanskrit word for this pose, “Padmasana” (pahd-MAHS-uh-nuh), is named after the lotus flower, or “padma.” In the full position, your legs become like the petals of a lotus flower, gently dropping open.
Benefits of Lotus Pose
Lotus Pose is traditionally known to calm the mind and prepare the practitioner for deep meditation. It also stretches the knees, ankles, and hips; and strengthens the spine and upper back. This pose also increases circulation in the spine and pelvis, which can help to ease menstrual discomfort and distress in the female reproductive organs.
According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a yoga manual written in the 14th century CE, Lotus Pose is the “destroyer of all diseases.” Ancient texts also claim this pose awakens Kundalini, the divine cosmic energy that brings forth self-realization.
An ancient meditation chant (“mantra” in Sanskrit), “Om Mani Padme Hum,” roughly translates to “Hail to the jewel in the lotus.” It is believed in some traditions that chanting this mantra while in Lotus Pose will purify, liberate, and unite the mind, body, and spirit.
Extended Child

From a kneeling position, the toes and knees are together with most of the weight of the body resting on the heels of the feet. The arms extend to the front with the fingers spread wide. The forehead rest softly onto the earth. The gaze is down and inward. Gently stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles. Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue. Relieves back and neck pain when done with head and torso supported.
Head to Knee Pose

Janu Sirsasana
- Sit with the legs outstretched in front of you
- Bend your right knee and place the right foot against the left inner thigh, relaxing the knee down.
- As you inhale, flex the left foot, press the top of the thigh down, lengthen the spine and raise your arms either side of your head.
- Rotate your upper body slightly so you are facing the left leg and then fold forward from the hips as you exhale.
- Keep your spine long, chest open and shoulders relaxed.
- Place your hands down, framing your left leg, or take hold of your ankle or foot.
- Stay for 5 to 10 breaths.
- Inhale, as you come out of the pose.
- Calms the mind.
- Stimulates digestion.
- Stretches the hips, back of the body and groins.
- Relieves menstrual discomfort.
- Stimulates the kidneys and liver.
Cow face pose

When thinking of hip openers in yoga, most picture poses where the legs are positioned wide apart. But poses like Cow Face (Gomukhasana), where legs are brought together, are also hip stretches, albeit ones that work musculature surrounding the pelvis in a different way.
Cow Face Pose stretches the hips, ankles, shoulders, arms, and chest—almost every part of your body. It demonstrates how different the two sides of most people’s bodies are; often it’s much easier to bring your hands to meet behind your back on one side than the other.
This pose may help you correct your posture and begin to equalize your flexibility. It’s a great pose for those who sit most of the day at work as it will open your hips and chest, counteracting the slump many people adopt while sitting. It is a calming and centreing pose.
- Slide your knees toward your centre line, stacking the right knee directly over the left. It may be helpful to come forward onto your hands and knees to do this. The right knee should be just in front of the left knee. Then separate your feet and come back to sit between them.
- Bring your left arm straight up toward the ceiling.
- Bend the left elbow, bringing the left hand to the back of your neck. You can use your right hand to gently shift the left elbow toward your midline.
- Lift the right arm out to the right side, bend the elbow, and bring the right arm up the centre of the back.
- Clasp hands behind your back.
- Draw both elbows toward the centre and keep your head from tilting forward by pressing the back of your head into your left arm. Breathe evenly.
- Release your arms on an inhale and try the pose with the left leg and right arm on top.
Third Eye Chakra Stones and Crystals and aroma
Wearing the following gems and stones will enhance Third Eye chakra energy. Alternatively, place them on your meditation altar.
Clear Quartz
Lapis lazuli
Star Sapphire
Black Obsidian
Essential oils for your Third Eye chakra:
Clary Sage -Clary sage is a relaxing oil that quietens and clears the mind. Due to its calming properties, it can help to open creative channels and provide clarity on complicated situations.
It is also said to boost self-belief and bodily comfort, allowing us to trust our intuition.
Marjoram -Marjoram oil can help to ease anxiety and calm obsessive thinking, boosting positivity and self-worth.
Its cleansing scent helps to clear the mind and sharpen understanding, allowing us to consider problems from all angles.
Rosemary -Rosemary oil aids concentration, attention and memory, helping us to consider situations objectively.
It also lowers our stress levels, allowing us to approach challenges calmly. It is regarded as the oil of higher thought due to the mental clarity that it provides.
Third Eye Chakra Sound Healing
This Third Eye Chakra meditation takes you on a restorative journey. The ancient Solfeggio frequency of 852 hz & Tibetan bowls assist the balancing and clearing. The energy tuners are recorded in stereo to deepen and enhance your meditation experience.