Subway Souls

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It’s hard work wandering the uphill rocky path of enlightenment, barefooted with the weight of the world heavily on our shoulders. Pretty confusing too when we have no map, just hearsay and foggy intuition.

Of course, going down hill is easy enough, digging that dark deep hole for ourselves, without a care in the world weighing us down, just a fun log flume slide into oblivion until our heads are buried as far from reality as possible. Isn’t it odd that the word oblivion’ can sound so glamorous and fun, like an amusement park ride or sticky floor cheesy nightclub? Until we reach that point of ‘oblivion‘ of course. That point of almost no return, when any plan to claw and wrestle our way back up to the surface has the clarity and simplicity of a choir of screaming ghoulish voices in our head turning us every which way. A never ending wall of death engine roaring round and round in our tender minds. Endless, useless, clueless, faceless dead-ends.

No one else in the world, however well meaning, has the solutions we need, they can barely find their own answers. Some will say they know your meaning of life, yet actually, mostly, grossly, ghostly, they only know a variety of dead ends and ways to help your purse lose weight. Still, despite this pessimism, no one is alone in their search, no one HAS to be alone. This deep down dark universe of a hole is filled with lost Subway Souls searching for the light. You and me’s, growing on the loneliest of trees. Never would we guess, we are all in the same forest. We can learn from each other on the Subway.

You know, it’s OK to step off that supersonic subway sometimes. Breathe on a bench with a consoling hug. Hear a fresh word and new direction. It doesn’t have to be particularly enlightening just feed us something distracting. Just laugh and sing and fling some silly things on the madness swing and just see what it brings. It doesn’t have to make sense. Does anything ever make sense?

I can’t give you the meaning of life, I can barely match my socks. I can’t teach you philosophy I still think Homer is yellow. I can’t Guru you, much, but I can distract you … for a moment … until you’re ready to go again. Sometimes our escape is simply a funny silly billy bugle story or a cheek blushing arousing her secret dream fantasy. Other times our search is just for that little extra inch of enrichment or a way to survive the chaotic i hear voices in our heads. Because there has to be a little more than this. Hopefully you will find a momentary escape here because some Subway Soul somewhere, has already been where you are at this moment in time. Some soul somewhere needed what you need right now and they didn’t take an online course to solve it. They just got a virtual hug from a pioneer that had been there way before you planted your flag on planet dead-end.

Actually this only feels like a never ending path because we are built to want more, experience more, invent more, love more, create more, laugh more.. and it’s OK to hit these cracks in the path where we need to re-energize and survive by daydreaming. Daydreaming in the cracks is where the future begins. Daydreaming in the dark deep oblivion is how you climb to reach obliviheaven. And trust me I know. Because I just made that word up. So it must be true.

‘Keep your head in the clouds Subway buddy’

‘Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce, to get advice from those who take the subway’ ~ Warren Buffet

‘The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls… and whispered in the sound of silence’ ~ Paul Simon

‘I hear voices, and when I look down the carriage, no one is speaking… the carriage is rattling inside and outside my tumbling mind and the souls hide their eyes from any direct contact. The light flickers, shadowy critters, hearts pound quicker. Yet if death stepped out from the sooty tunnel.. I know the Subway is the safest place I could be.’ ~ Billy Bugle

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