Root chakra (Muladhara) symbol
The root chakra symbol bears a lotus with four red petals. The seed mantra (LAM लं) symbol in the centre is set within a square above a downward-facing triangle. It is considered that these four petals of the lotus, for the root chakra, symbolize our consciousness, intellect, mind and ego.
Location: Base of spine
Responsibility: Stability, security, core needs
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Muladhara is Sanskrit relating to the first Chakra, and translates to root support. This chakra is located at the base of the spine.
The root chakra keeps us grounded and commands our sense of security and safety. Its fundamental role is to manifest our basic needs such as food, water and shelter works in tandem with helping us cultivate a healthy physical sexuality and provides the basis to create energy and drive for our daily tasks.
The root chakra is red in colour and you can personally open and activate this chakra by surrounding yourself with the colour red. Red is such a vibrant colour, a confident and powerful fiery colour, truly visible. When you meditate, picture this bright red glowing colour at the base of your spine, and breathe it in, allowing it to release around your body.
The root chakra is the closest of all chakra to our physical world, and most connected of all to the manifesting physical needs we have. With this in mind it is the case that should the Muladhara become closed and out of kilter and balance, then so would the other chakras. Perhaps this should be the place we start when balancing and cleansing and healing our chakras? The gateway to a total cleanse.
A balanced Root Chakra…
The root chakra, although being the earth element, isn’t only security and grounding in a physical sense. Of course the result of planting your roots, produces the balance to manifest all the physical needs you require, but it also serves to steady you within. Giving you a base and the mastery to build on your sense of inner security and independence. This is important for a balanced first chakra, to start with a strong foundation, no reliance on others outside. Ready and able to stand up and be counted for yourself.
An unbalanced Root Chakra…
You will know and feel immediately when your root chakra is unbalanced and it’s energy is flagging. Feeling the opposite to how a balanced root chakra feels, the decline of secure and safe feelings into a struggle to keep afloat, leaves you wondering where you belong, what is your purpose.
When this chakra at the root is closed and blocked, people automatically choose new damaging habits and behaviours, fearful and insecure feelings by default, which further weakens energy levels. Our exuberance diminishes and health deteriorates, our energy zaps away and focus becomes irrational, bored and off track.
Big issues such as financial security, which are also linked to the root chakra, can become dramatic blockages because they are able to consume so many areas of daily existence. Quite easily the direction progresses into a pathway of expecting the worse to happen and losing trust in those around us.
Imagine this bright red light of the root chakra at the base of your chakra system, as the chief security guard of your physical body. When all these negative feelings and behaviours begin to overwhelm and a breakdown feels inevitable, picture this guard with a loud haler, shouting the warning that you are seriously out of alignment. Heed the warning of these signs that your root chakra needs healing and cleansing and opening again.
Chakra Significance
It doesn’t have to be complicated or overly philosophical to consider the benefits of paying attention to the 7 chakras.
Without a doubt they are areas of the physical human body we are all familiar with. You don’t have to be religious or sceptical to know that looking after your health is key to your personal happiness and prosperity.
So it makes sense that we should maintain and care for ourselves from top to bottom and the 7 chakras are a wonderful illustration and map for guidance on how we can try to do this daily, both physically and non-physically. Emotionally and intellectually. Spiritually and consciously. You don’t have to believe in anything in particular and it doesn’t matter what you believe, if anything.
There may be 7 different chakra points, yet they are not wholly independent of each other and do not work in isolation. In fact they are in total coordination with each other, connected and reliant on each others wellness. Having said that it is useful to understand their functions alone to see this connection and also useful to work individually on each chakra to open and cleanse and heal thus aiding the over-all healing through the chakra chain.
Every day root chakra
This area, at the base of the spine, the root chakra, is specific to managing the core issues of identity, safety and security, as well as cultivating our physical needs. This foundational energy centre has big responsibilities in recognizing the moments we should respond for survival. Fight or flight moments. Birthing the energy for our emotional and physical states. When properly maintained, the roots of this great oak secured deep and unmovable into the earth, ensure our security and allow the energies of the other chakras to do what they do best in a healthy and balanced way.
It’s important at this point to halt the wrong vibrations which will only spiral into a path of physical pain, poor decision making and blocks of creativity and belief. When energy stagnates and we are overwhelmed with anxiety and insecurity and panic then the tendency to be harsh on self with mean words and angry actions is at greater risk. This is the moment to pay attention to the root chakra warning and change the way we speak to our self. (Listen to the calming affirmations audio attached to this article to see an example of a simple and quick way to instantly begin to heal and repair your root chakra.)
Healing, balancing and opening the Root Chakra
You are naturally aware that the root chakra is open and balanced, when you know and feel the bright red light shining over your grounded feelings, you’re safe, secure and confident in stature. These are the times to keep the vibration and flow of the root chakra with ongoing love and maintenance.
It doesn’t always need to be a last minute emergency breakdown that calls for root chakra maintenance, it is easy and simple to implement balance and openness with just a few basic daily techniques to head off any potential chakra blockages.
A Healing Visualization for Muladhara Chakra
Meditation is a beautiful grounding practice when focused on the bright red root chakra, a force of nature connecting your physical body and the Earth.
Meditation isn’t a mystical practice. It is a daydreaming state we are all capable of entering at the click of our fingers, yet so powerful as a tool to clear and redirect the balance and energy of the body and mind. There is no right or wrong way of doing it, there shouldn’t be any fear attached to the process. Just be you and just daydream.
Try this following basic daydream visualization and the attached audio of relaxation. Be specific in dwelling on the root chakra area, noticing your breathing and the bright red glow.
‘Picture in your relaxed quiet mind, a bright glowing red ribbon of light, like a beam and stream, and shimmer and glimmer of red power stretching from your root chakra, down into the core of the Earth. Connected and rooted, being held secure and safely by the power of the planet.
And when your mind wanders, because it does, and its OK, then simply return to this meditation technique as many times as you feel the need. Be that red ribbon flow. Feel that bright red connection between your root chakra and the Earth.
Then, after several minutes, imagine releasing the ribbon, allowing the grounding connection to flow and see the bright red light dissolving into the soil of the Earth
Imagine any energy that no longer serves or benefits you seeping out of your body and into the ground beneath you, where it can serve as compost for new growth.’
Root chakra diet
As well as the daily habits of attending to the maintenance and clearing of our mind, our structured sleep patterns, the sweet essence of daydreaming, the simplicity of a personalised physical exercise program, the deliberate noticing of our breathing and time and travel in natures glorious sights and fresh air; it is vital we have a diet that compliments the care of each chakra.
To avoid the heavy feelings of being un-grounded, we should deliberately eat foods which root and connect us with the earth element – root vegetables born of the ground like beets, carrots, potatoes, as well as beans, nuts and pumpkin or sesame seed.
Fresh red foods such as tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red apples, pomegranates, red bell peppers, cherries and beets also help nourish the earth element aspect of the root chakra. Replenishing and rejuvenating our bright glowing red chakra.
Enjoy and savour these foods, each bite and taste a precious invasion of the root chakra energy. Feel the comfort and the pleasure as the red glow enters your physical body and your mind knows all about it.
First Chakra Earthing Walking Meditation
There is an earthing practice which is free and simple and available 24/7. Earthing. Walking. When we are connected through our feet to our root chakra, paying close attention to the movement of walking. Bare foot, maybe outside but also good inside, slow motion and feeling a complete awareness of the movement and sensations of this connection to the earth. Focus on the balls of your feet, down to the souls, as your toes press into the earth and lift again, the motion of slowly connecting and moving forward. The very thing we take for granted, is the very thing rooting us to the most secure and safest place we could be.
Breathe deeply and take in the joy of this feeling, the gratitude that this is evidence of the secure path forward for you today. Even just a few minutes of walking meditation in nature calms the nervous system and connects you with Mother Earth. This is an amazing distraction when you feel discomfort emotionally, and for all the chakras too, just kick those shoes off and walk on the grass and breathe and smile and feel that connection.
Root Muladhara Chakra Affirmations
- I am grateful.
- I am abundant.
- I am peaceful with the material world in which I live.
- I have a healthy body.
- I am worthy of respect.
- I am independent.
- The universe will always provide.
- At this moment I am stable and grounded.
- I am confident.
- I belong.
- I withstand the obstacles of life, as I remove what no longer serves me.
- I trust in the process of life.
- I make good, healthy choices.
- I am proud of myself.
- My root chakra is balanced.
- I am safe and grounded.
- I feel protected in this world
- I am at home, wherever I am.
- All is well in my world.
- I deserve to be safe at all times.
- I have a right to be here.
- I am supported by Mother Earth.
- I am deeply rooted.
- I am connected to my body.
- I have everything I need.
- I nurture my body with what it needs to flourish.
- I trust in the good of the world.
- I release all my doubts and fears.
- With every breath, I release anxiety.
- I am at home in my body.
- I am supported by those around me.
- I am all I need to be happy.
- I am worthy of love and care.
- I choose to trust the universe to guide me.
- I am safe and secure.
- I am rooted in this present moment.
- I am strong, steady, and grounded.
- I have access to all the resources I need to survive and thrive.
- I am equipped with all the tools I need to succeed.
- Everything I need comes to me at exactly the right place and time.
- I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
- Deep inner peace is my natural state.
- Even when the world around me feels chaotic, I remain rooted firmly to the ground.
- All my needs are always met.
- I am exactly where I’m meant to be.
- It is right to be exactly as I am.
- It is right to be exactly where I am.
- I have everything I need.
- I feel safe in my body.
- I am connected and grounded through the earth.
Root Chakra Affirmations for Healing
- My body always takes care of me.
- My body is my home, and I pledge to always build it up and never tear it down.
- My body is a safe home for my radiant spirit.
- Every cell of my body supports my total well-being.
- I am healthy, well, and strong.
- I am filled with radiant energy and endless vitality.
- I wake up every day feeling strong, energized, and empowered.
- As the sun rises, so does my energy.
- I am one with my true self.
- I feel secure in my place in life.
- I inhale trust and exhale fear.
- I inhale peace and exhale anything that no longer serves me.
- I am always supported and protected.
- I feel peaceful, grounded, and secure.
- Like a tree, I am rooted firmly to the earth.
- I am grateful to know that I am always deeply loved and supported by this Universe.
- I deeply appreciate my ability to remain calm and peaceful in all situations.
- I am grateful for the abundance of strength that radiates throughout my entire body.
- I build my life on the foundation of faith, peace, love, and trust.
- I am whole and complete, exactly as I am.
- I am healthy and vibrant.
- I am deeply and safely connected to my body and the Earth.
- I feel the ground firmly beneath my feet.
- I honour the temple of my body with deep care and reverence.
- I’m open to life’s opportunities.
- I am committed to fulfilling my life’s purpose.
- I am financially secure.
- I’m always provided for.
- I am taken care of.
- I am stable.
- I am loved.
- I am confident.
- I am strong.
- I am nourished.
- I am protected.
- I am successful.
- I am in control.
- I am awake.
- I am wealthy
- The Earth supports and nourishes me.
- I am deeply connected to the natural world.
- All is well.
- I stand tall on my ancestors’ shoulders.
- I have the strength to create a wonderful life.
- I have the courage and power to create a beautiful world.
- I love my life and enjoy it.
- I am stable-minded.
- I trust myself, the Earth, and the Universe.
- I am grateful for the guidance I receive from nature.
- I am strongly rooted in the Earth.
Root Chakra Yoga Poses
When you focus specifically on your root chakra, intending to physically maintain the balance and openness of this region, really pay attention to how your body moves and connects to the earth. No matter what pose or position you are in, always feel the grounding against the earth.
Maybe you’re standing and you feel the soles of your feet firmly placed on the earth, you can feel the grass or sand or soil between your toes as you wriggle and spread them. Maybe you are sitting and you can feel your base and pelvis rest on the ground. The position of your resting feet.
You can really work that root chakra and energize the area by doing a few simple yoga moves, again any time and place for free, and there’s no complicated right or wrongs.
Easy Pose

Sitting cross-legged doesn’t have to be a difficult position. Just lose yourself for a few moments feeling the base of your spine connect with the ground, see the red glow flow through you and feel your breathing take you into a daydream state.
Seated Forward Bend

There are many hamstrings stretches in beginning yoga for a good reason. The hamstrings tend to get short and tight in people who sit a lot, which can contribute to low back pain. Stretching them, as you do during the seated forward bend, is helpful.
This pose offers a stretch to the entire back of the body. Bend at your hips, not your waist, and keep your neck aligned with your spine. Clearing and refreshing the route of the root to Earth.
Mountain Pose

The alignment in Mountain pose draws a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels, with the shoulders and pelvis stacked along the line. Standing tall and confident and feeling your feet pressing into the earth, your legs and core strong, yet relax your shoulders and face. Focus on rooting down with your feet and lengthening up with your spine.
Warrior I

Virabhadrasana I
The critical thing to remember in Warrior I is that the hips face forward. Think of your hip points as headlights—they should be roughly parallel with the front of your mat. This may require you to take a wider stance.
Feet apart standing and your right foot out opening he right hip to the side. Chest and shoulders remaining centered over the hips as you stretch the arms out to the sides. Palms facing down parallel to the ground. Gazing in the direction of your right hand and outstretched fingers.
This is a great moment to connect with your warrior spirit with this stance, powerful yet peaceful. Breathe deep and count to 4 as your breathe in, count to 6 as you breathe out and repeat a few times
Staff Pose

Staff pose is akin to a seated version of mountain pose in that it offers alignment guidelines for various other seated poses. Engage the leg muscles and flex the feet.
Lift the chest and relax the shoulders. You can also allow a gentle bend in the knees, which can create ease for the shoulders to stack over the hips.
Modify by using a block or a folded blanket or two if you have trouble sitting straight with your butt flat on the floor. In a typical yoga practice, this pose leads to a forward bend.
Cobbler’s Pose

Baddha Konasana
Let gravity work on stretching your inner thighs in Cobbler’s pose. If you find this position difficult, props can make a big difference like sitting on a cushion, or blanket raises your hips so your knees can open more naturally.
If your knees are high, it takes a lot of effort to hold them up, and your legs need to be relaxed to enjoy the benefits of the stretch. The solution is to place something supportive under each knee as something to rest upon.
Since it’s unusual to sit this way in everyday life, this pose stretches neglected areas of the body, particularly the abductor groups of the groin.
Aligning with the treasures around us
In addition to the practices outlined above, many find the addition of working with aromatherapy and crystals and sounds helps to unblock and balance your root chakra. The first chakra corresponds to your sense of smell. Sitting comfortably with your spine elongated, bring your attention to the tip of your nose.
Wearing certain gems and stones also assists in healing and aligning chakra energy or even placing them on your meditation altar, or by your bedside.
There are various rhythmic and musical forms that target the root chakra including shamanic drumming, singing bowls and gongs. The root chakra frequency of 396 Hz is a low and smooth vibration that helps cultivate feelings of innocence, fearlessness, and belonging. Chanting is an excellent grounding practice. Each of our seven energy centres is associated with a seed syllable. The root chakra’s sound is LAM (pronounced “lah-mmm”). Chant it four to eight times and notice how it activates and awakens your root energy centre.
See the chart below for further details relating to these treasure you may find comfort and alignment with.