So often we develop this fear or uncertainty of starting what we know will give us the glorious life we deserve, and it weighs so heavily on our shoulders that we are unable to see around the mountain that is procrastination. If we could just stand on the top tip of the mountain and look down to see the riches and joy on the other side, we would realise just how close we are to the life we deserve.
In contrast it really should be an exciting thought for us, not a weighty problem, all the dreams we can make come true, what we could become and what we could create and achieve and share. Because we love to see the people we love shrieking with joy as they realise their dreams, that they chose their own dreams and road to pleasure and unlocked a freedom to reach for the movie they had made in their mind.
The awareness surrounding daydreaming ourselves into a dream state future, which is so useful and powerful, is that the dreams we create in our minds are practically affected as we live real life daily, and the impact of each little daily event and the bigger tests are really determined by how we choose to view them in our mind, and feel them throughout our soul and body.

Distractions and trivia, drama and coercion can be an energy drain and the steps we intend to take may feel heavy if we lose the focus we need, or the desire and determination to get started. This is why daily practise of self care and close observation of our thought process and well being maintenance are vital habits. There will always be a new test for us, that’s part of an exciting progressive life, so we should always get a head of any and as many distractions before they arise.
Soon enough through practise and intended desire, you will tame procrastination and become your own master of an authentic concentrated focus. Now the more you dream of your future self, the more you learn as you achieve, alongside your greater ability to develop new habits as a successful self starter will all combine and grow a new motivated, unbeatable and focused energy.
Practise the exercise below and the attached audio assisted meditations through this series, and I know you will flourish. And also remember you can just do this alone by meditation known as daydreaming. Don’t be paying anyone for this stuff, its what we do when we nap! Just dream and believe in yourself. Best wishes and love always
1 Sit or lie down in a place comfortable for you, knowing you have peace and will not be disturbed for some moments. Relax and close your eyes. What is it you want at this moment, think about this as you relax. What is your dream, what would you like to have or achieve.
2 Lets colour these thoughts you are imagining, this dream of yourself achieving your dreams. Lets make it into a big bright bold movie of a future you. See yourself in this future time. See this future you, where you haven’t done what you need to do, see that you didn’t even try to make your dreams happen, not doing the things you want and need to do. See yourself in the middle of this disappointing time and experiencing, feeling all the consequences, regrets and disappointments with your future self. Those bad feelings because you didn’t try, you didn’t give it your best shot. Feel the disappointment around you from others, letting yourself down.
3 There, on that big colourful cinema screen, you can see your future self, see how you are suffering the pain of failing to carry out your plans and dreams. See how bad you feel that you failed to act as you know you should. Allow yourself to drift into the cinema screen, becoming you in the movie, combining you now with your future self, and feel that pain of regret and guilt from the inside. Understand the future pain of not acting.
4 And now, as you notice and feel that really extreme feeling of regret for not acting on your dreams, for not doing what you know you should in this future movie of yourself, tell your self strongly. Powerfully enforcing.
‘No. This isn’t going to be my future.’
5 And when you really feel this inside, start to just release yourself from this movie scene, drift away and return to your seat, having those strong words still ringing in your ears. This isn’t going to be my future. And breathe a deep breath. And another. Calming deep firm breaths.
6 Now. Start a new movie and watch it playing on your cinema screen in your mind. See how you are doing what you need to do. Getting on with the tasks you need to be doing.
7 From your seat now, see yourself on the screen speedily doing each and every step towards your goal and dream.
Notice yourself giving each step full and appropriate attention and energy. See yourself just doing it, over and over, for as long as it takes.
See yourself overcoming or pushing through any obstacles that appear.
Notice the last step that you in the movie takes to reach that goal.
8 Now float back into the movie again, see yourself on the screen again be inside the movie, doing each step you should do.
Notice what it feels like to be strongly magnetized towards starting and doing and completing what you need to do, each day, every day, as you make steady progress towards your goal.
Notice how good it feels to reach, and complete, the final step.
9 Really soak up these amazing feelings of achievement. Breathe them deep inside and smile at your happy dreams coming true. And when you feel and know you have so much energy from this experience at this time, drift out of the screen and return to your seat to relax for a while, breathing calmly and gently.
10 Be proud of yourself and the way your dreams are forming and when you feel ready, rise from your seat in the cinema of your mind and return to everyday awareness, feeling refreshed and ready to do the very first thing you need to do to put your plan into action. Smile and do it.