Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 5 – Lifestyle

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‘Now here’s the last one. Number five is called lifestyle.’

Lifestyle is simply learning how to live well. The last of the five major pieces. Here’s the ultimate challenge of life. I’ve worked on this you cannot believe how hard since age 25. And that is after applying better philosophy, attitude and, and activity and picking now up results. What are the results for? Here’s my ultimate challenge on results, to fashion for yourself lifestyle or what we call the good life. That’s the ultimate challenge to take your results. Take your money, take your results, take the return take the equities you’ve gathered. And now fashion for yourself a good life like weaving a tapestry.

He said Mr. Rohn, happiness is not something you postpone. Happiness is not something off in the future. Happiness is something you design, you got to get the word happiness is something you design. Happiness is a study happiness is a practice. Happiness is an art. It’s not an accident. It’s an art. And anybody that wants to can study, practice the art happy living. Happiness is like culture. Money doesn’t make you culture. But culture is within the grasp of all of us.

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