Heart chakra (Anahata) symbol
Anahata is represented by a lotus flower with twelve petals. Inside there is a smoky region at the intersection of two triangles, creating a shatkona. The shatkona is a symbol used in Hindu Yantra, representing the union of male and female.
Location: Centre of chest
Responsibility: Relationship with self and others, ability to give and feel love
Colour: Green
Element: Air
The fourth chakra and the Sanskrit name is Anahata. The heart bridges the lower three chakras (physical realm) with the upper three chakras (spiritual realm). The middle chakra is situated in the chest’s centre, in line with the heart.
The fourth centre chakra has a healing, calming energy linked to high vibration and positive qualities like love, compassion, understanding, and gratitude.
The heart chakra is associated with the healing colour green and the air element, relating to touch, emotions, and expansion. Therefore, the condition of this chakra will determine the state of our relationships. So, the stronger it is, the more open we are to giving and receiving love.
A balanced Heart Chakra
A person with a balanced heart chakra freely feels and expresses love, joy, and gratitude. They can see their blessings and the beauty around them, and, as a result, they enjoy successful, happy relationships. They can feel empathy towards others and can forgive easily. Moreover, they fully love and accept themselves and can set healthy boundaries, resulting in the sense of harmony within.
An unbalanced Heart Chakra
Someone with a blocked heart chakra will find it difficult to feel love, compassion, and understanding for others and will find it equally challenging to accept love. In addition, outside of relationships, they will struggle to find things to be grateful for, as they have a tendency to see the bad in people and situations.
The root of a blocked heart chakra is a lack of self-love and acceptance, as a person cannot give love to others until they can love themselves. Because the Anahata chakra is associated with touch and air (prana), physical symptoms of a blocked heart chakra can be seen in the skin, hands, and lungs.
Chakra Significance
It doesn’t have to be complicated or overly philosophical to consider the benefits of paying attention to the 7 chakras.
Without a doubt they are areas of the physical human body we are all familiar with. You don’t have to be religious or sceptical to know that looking after your health is key to your personal happiness and prosperity.
So it makes sense that we should ensure we maintain and care for ourselves from top to bottom and the 7 chakras are a wonderful illustration and map for guidance on how we can try to do this daily, both physically and non-physically. Emotionally and intellectually. Spiritually and consciously. You don’t have to believe in anything in particular and it doesn’t matter what you believe, if anything.
There may be 7 chakra different points yet they are not wholly independent of each other and do not work in isolation. In fact they are in total coordination with each other, connected and reliant on each others wellness. Having said that it is useful to understand their functions alone to see this connection and also useful to work individually on each chakra to open and cleanse and heal which aids the over all healing of the chakra chain
Every day fourth chakra
When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment you will feel surrounded by love, compassion, and joy and connected to the world around you. You will feel open to all experiences in life, and it will feel like challenges, especially in relationships, flow through you and are resolved with ease. An open heart chakra allows us to see all of the beauty and love around us, and truly connect to ourselves, our loved ones, and the natural world. This chakra also helps direct love back to ourselves to truly be able to love and accept ourselves and our bodies.
Blocked energy can also have a profound effect on the nature of our mind and mental state. Mentally, an imbalanced heart chakra can result in problematic issues, such as co-dependency, manipulative behaviours, feeling of unworthiness, and an inability to trust yourself or others,
It’s important at this point to halt the wrong vibrations which will only spiral into a path of physical pain, poor decision making and blocks of creativity and belief.
Anahata is associated with the element air. Air spreads and integrates the spiritual understanding of love, compassion, and connection to everything you encounter. Air, like love, is within and all around us. We can embody this element by keeping our heart centre open and our love free-flowing.
When your energy stagnates and you are overwhelmed with low confidence and lack of self-care, stress and lack of trust then your tendency to be sensitive to criticism and intimidation is at greater risk. This is the moment to pay attention to the third chakra warning and change the way you care for yourself.
Listen to the calming affirmations audio attached to this article to see an example of a simple and quick way to instantly begin to heal and repair your Manipura chakra.
Healing, balancing and opening the Heart Chakra
You are naturally aware that the heart chakra is open and balanced, as the bright green light shines over your heart energy hub feelings, your unconditional love and empathy, your compassion, forgiveness and kindness. You are clarity, purity and unity.
It doesn’t always need to be a last minute emergency break down that calls for heart chakra maintenance, it is easy and simple to implement balance and openness with just a few simple daily techniques to head off chakra blockages.
How to Balance the Heart Chakra
- Feel gratitude.
- Practice backbends of any sort.
- Take part in a loving kindness meditation.
- Use rose quartz and other heart-opening crystals
- .Drink heart opening beverages like rose tea and cacao.
- Practice heart-opening affirmations.
A Healing Visualization for Anahata Chakra
Meditation is a beautiful grounding practice when focused on the bright green heart chakra, a force of nature connecting your physical body and the element of air.
Meditation isn’t a mystical practise. It is a daydreaming state we are all capable of entering at the click of our fingers, yet so powerful as a tool to clear and redirect the balance and energy of the body and mind. There is no right or wrong way of doing it, there is not fear attached to the process. Just be you and just daydream.
Just try this basic daydream visualization and the attached audio of relaxation. Be specific in dwelling on the heart chakra area above your naval.
Picture in your relaxed quiet mind, a bright glowing green ball of light like a beam and stream, and shimmer and glimmer of green power flowing and glowing from your heart chakra, up and down and around your body and mind. A self empowered glow from head to toe.
And when your mind wanders, because it does, and its OK, then simply return to this meditation technique as many times as you feel the need. Be that green ball of energy flow. Feel that bright green connection between your heart chakra and the air.
Then, after several minutes, imagine releasing the green light, allowing the green glow to flow and see the green yellow light dissolving as you breathe out deeply releasing into the air around you.
Imagine any energy that no longer serves or benefits you seeping out of your body and away from you.
Heart chakra diet
As well as daily habits attending to the maintenance and clearing of our mind, our structured sleep patterns, the sweet essence of daydreaming, the simplicity of a personalised physical and breathing exercise program and time and travel in natures glorious sights and fresh air; it is vital we have a diet that compliments the care of each chakra.
To avoid the heavy feelings of being drained and low, we should deliberately eat foods which connect us with the air element – Eating for the Heart Chakra: A balanced heart chakra is the difference between jealousy and contentment, co-dependency, and healthy boundaries. To balance and heal the heart chakra, opt for green foods, the colour of the chakra. All of your leafy greens, green vegetables, and green fruits will help such as kale, broccoli, spinach, chard, dandelion greens, parsley, celery, cucumber, zucchini, matcha, green tea, avocado, lime, mint, peas, kiwi, peas, spirulina, green apples.
Enjoy and savour these foods, each bite and taste a precious invasion of the heart chakra energy. Feel the comfort and the pleasure as the green light glow enters your physical body and your mind knows all about it.
Anahata Chakra Meditation
Take a long and deep breath. As you exhale, move attention to your heart, and imagine an emerald green glowing energy chakra. The life-symbolizing green glow of the chakra spreads from your heart to fill your chest first and then the rest of your body.
- Imagine standing under a large tree with a huge green canopy spreading in all directions. The wind rustles through its bright green leaves making a gentle flute-like sound. Start climbing the tree. As you move up, you pass thick branches laden with green. Even sunlight finds it hard to filter through the green leaves that provide a cool, soothing shade to you.
- You reach the top of the tree and get a panoramic view of the surrounding. In every direction you look, there is a sea of never-ending green of lush vegetation.
- The tree nurtures and nourishes you just as it provides strength, support and safety to all of its leaves.
- Now see your fourth chakra spinning and gaining strength. As it spins faster, a green light washes over you and pervades every cell, every pore in your body.
- Breathe deeply and feel the energy funnelling into your heart, which is bursting forth with fresh green leaves.
- Rest in this awareness.
- Gently start descending from the tree. You feel the love and care of the tree, whose branches support you on your way down. Once on the ground, look back up at the tree and feel one with it.
- When you are ready, open your eyes and arise.
100 Heart Chakra Affirmations
- I deserve love and being loved.
- I love myself to the fullest.
- Love is all around me, it’s everywhere I go.
- I am surrounded by love.
- I attract good, loving, kind people into my life.
- The power of love is inside me.
- I am welcoming love with open arms.
- I’m happy and grateful for having loving people in my life.
- I give my relationships the attention they deserve.
- I am ready and open to receiving love and blessings.
- I’m good and beautiful enough the way I am.
- My natural loving nature attracts love to me like a magnet.
- All my relationships are now loving and harmonious.
- I am ready to receive love.
- All of my relationships are meaningful and rewarding.
- I have wonderful and supportive friends.
- Friendships come easily to me.
- I converse well with all kinds of people.
- I concentrate on my friends’ good qualities.
- I choose to be involved with good-hearted people.
- My friends are free to be themselves around me.
- I am letting love into my life.
- I receive love in abundance from everyone I meet.
- I am grateful for all the love and affection I get.
- I deserve fulfilling relationships.
- My heart is open.
- I am attracting trusting and loving relationships.
- Real love starts with me.
- I am grateful for all the love and affection I get.
- I see love everywhere I go.
- I am worthy of the compliments I receive.
- I am worthy of love and care.
- I deserve the love I receive.
- I love myself and am open to love.
- The more love I give, the more I receive.
- I love to give and receive love.
- I take time to nourish my whole self.
- I am a priority in my own life.
- I choose to live in the moment and take things one day at a time.
- I am doing the best that I can do.
- My best is good enough.
- Mistakes are proof that I’m learning and improving.
- It is okay for me to be kind to myself.
- There is a beautiful loving light inside of me.
- As I focus on compassion, I naturally relate to others with love and understanding.
- Respect begins with love; therefore, I love my entire self.
- I am worthy of infinite and unending compassion.
- Compassion is infinite and fully surrounds me and my life.
- All of my decisions are inspired by inner wisdom and compassion.
- I find love everywhere I go.
- Heart Chakra Affirmations for Joy and Happiness
- I am willing to be happy now.
- As I feel happy, I am manifesting more reasons to be happy.
- I accept that happiness is my true nature.
- My happiness comes from within me.
- Joy is the essence of my being.
- I am experiencing joy in everything I do.
- I am meant to live a happy life.
- My inner joy is the source of all the good in my life.
- Following my joy reveals the path to my best life.
- I am allowing myself to feel good.
- My choice to be happy is keeping me in perfect health.
- I am worthy of feeling happy.
- The life I’ve always dreamed of is created by my choice to be joyful now.
- I give myself permission to enjoy myself.
- The happiness I feel is felt by everyone around me.
- I am creating the possibility of happiness for others by being happy.
- All the good in my life comes to me as a result of my willingness to find happiness in each moment.
- My inner joy expands when I share it with others.
- My happiness is reflected back to me in everything I attract.
- I am feeling happy with myself as a person.
- I am always happy, hale and hearty.
- I am vigorous, energetic, and full of vitality.
- I am happy to be alive.
- My life is filled with health and happiness.
- I trust that everything in my life is unfolding perfectly.
- I am willing to be at peace with myself and everyone.
- I am healthy, happy, and radiant.
- I realize the gift of this precious human life.
- I am giving thanks for each exquisite moment.
- I am appreciating every blessing, no matter how small.
- Heart Chakra Affirmations for Forgiveness
- I let go of negative experiences.
- I am letting go because I need to go.
- I am releasing painful thoughts that occupy space in my head.
- I am ready to move forward with my life.
- The past has no power or control over me.
- I am ready to live my life free of the past and by looking forward to new adventures.
- I feel good about the future.
- I step away from the prison of resentment into freedom.
- I choose to be free and happy.
- I choose the contents of my life.
- I am appreciating myself for learning all the good things from the past.
- I let go of all the barriers and hurdles that come in my way to success.
- I let go of all the negative thoughts that affected my past.
- I am trusting the phases of life and releasing the past with ease.
- I am grateful for knowing about the reality of many things in my past.
- I am releasing all the painful thoughts of my past.
- I am converting my past into my future very positively.
- I am releasing all the things from my past that are not for me.
- I am forgiving myself for my mistakes in my past.
- I am now living my life the way I want to.
Heart Chakra Yoga Poses
The bright green energy of the heart chakra helps set healthy boundaries and feel glowing confidence relating to love for self and others from within. If you have trouble with lack of self love and fear of betrayal or self self-centredness, loneliness or trapped in a toxic relationship you can boost confidence with these five yoga poses
Lord of the Dance

Parivritta Natarajasana
From standing, shift the weight to one foot, bend your opposite knee and bring the heel behind you towards your glute, reach your opposite hand back to catch the foot or ankle of your bent knee. Hinge forward from your hip and at the same time arch your back and press your foot or ankle into the sole of your hand. Gaze is forward and upward and the balancing arm can be extended for better balance.
Benefits are this pose stretches the shoulder, chest, thighs, groins and abdomen. Strengthens the legs and ankles. Improves balance.
Half Lord of the Fishes

Ardha Matsyendrasana
Sit with your legs outstretched in front of you. Lift your right leg and place your right foot on the outside of your left knee.
Bend your left leg and place the left foot on the outside of your right hip. As you inhale, press your sitting bones down and lengthen your spine.
Place your right arm behind you, extend your left arm up. As you exhale, twist your body to the right, hugging your knee with your left arm, or hooking your elbow behind your left knee.
Keep lengthening your spine on the in-breath and twisting from the belly on the out-breath. Find ease and your appropriate edge in that pose by moving in and out with barely noticeable pulses.
Allow your hips to follow the movement of the spine to some degree. Stay for 5 to 8 breaths. To come out of the pose, come out of the twist as you exhale and move back into Dandasana. Repeat on the other side.
Benefits Helps to maintain the spine’s natural range of motion. Stretches your hips, shoulders and neck. Stimulates the abdominal area and can help digestion. Relieves backache and tension. Especially good if you have been working at a desk all day.
Cobra Pose Bhujangasana

Lie on your stomach, toes pointing straight back, hands underneath the shoulders, elbows close to the body. Legs engaged, pull the belly in and up. As you inhale, lift your chest from the back of your heart. Roll the collarbones up and firm the shoulder blades into the upper back, slightly down along the spine. Lift your head last. Open your heart, with no weight in the hands yet. Extend out through the toes. Come down again as you exhale. Repeat that two times. The third time you come up, use your hands to find your full expression of the pose. Lift your chest from the back of your heart, head follows. Come all the way up to a point where it feels good to you, still maintaining a connection from the pelvis to the legs. Bring the side ribs forward, draw the upper arm bones back, lengthen the neck. Feel the backbend through the entire spine. You can look up, but only if you maintain length in the back of the neck, otherwise keep your gaze forwards so your neck is comfortable. Stay for 5 to 10 breaths.
To come out, lower the body down on as you exhale and take a rest lying on your belly or in Child’s pose.
Benefits Strengthens the back and legs. Stretches the front of the body, opening the chest and shoulders. Energizes and mobilizes the spine.
Camel Pose

Kneel on the ground with your shins hip-width apart. Press the tops of your feet into the mat. Rest hands on your hips, thumbs near your lower back.
Take an inhale and press down into your shins. Elongate through the spine. On an exhale, reach your arms back toward your heels. Use the leverage to lift your chest up toward the sky and get a nice shoulder stretch.
Pro tip: Place your hand on two blocks or curl your toes under so you don’t have to reach as far.
The benefits – This backbend stretches the entire front of your body, from your throat to your ankles, and even helps strengthen back muscles.
Wheel Pose

Urdhva Dhanurasana
Come to lie on your back. Bend your knees, bringing the soles of your feet onto your mat close to the buttocks.
Reach down with your fingertips and make sure that you can just graze your heels. The feet should be parallel and hips’ distance apart.
Bend your elbows and bring the palms of your hands overhead, placing them underneath your shoulders with the fingertips pointing towards your feet.
Inhale and press down into your palms and your feet as you lift your shoulders and hips up off the floor. Do not press all the way up yet.
Bring the crown of your head to the mat, making sure not to put too much weight on the neck. Use your hands and feet for leverage. Pause here for a moment as you make sure that your elbows are staying parallel and not splaying out to the sides.
Straighten your arms as you lift your head off the floor. Make sure to keep your feet parallel and knees in line with your feet.
Reach your chest towards the wall behind you. Begin to straighten your legs. To come down, tuck your chin into your chest and lower down slowly. Rest, allowing the knees to knock together.
Heart Chakra Stones and Crystals and aroma
Wearing the following gems and stones will enhance heart chakra energy. Alternatively, place them on your meditation altar.
Green Aventurine
Green Jade
Green Calcite
Green moldavite
Rose Quartz
Essential oils for your heart chakra:
Geranium – Geranium is an emotionally healing oil known to help with stress and low mood and promote positive feelings.
It is said to help promote an open heart and trust in others by soothing the anxieties that can accompany low self-esteem.
Maritime Pine -Said to improve blood flow and circulation, maritime pine oil helps to take care of the heart and keep the heart chakra open.
Its uplifting and cleansing scent helps to ease emotional pain and heal old wounds, allowing us to open ourselves up to new experiences.
Ylang Ylang -Ylang Ylang oil is said to boost heart health by improving blood flow and fighting inflammation.
It is known as a positive, uplifting oil, and is said to help us connect to the heart by protecting its physical health.
Heart Chakra Sound Healing
Heart Chakra, 639 Hz Frequency
It’s in-depth, profound, and associated with vulnerability and intimacy. The 639 Hz frequency creates the foundation for interpersonal connections and healthy relationships – little wonder it connects to the heart chakra.