Earl Shoaff rare vinyl recording

Read Time 25 mins


(Transcribed from orginal vinyl recording 1962)

The Millionaire maker, the second greatest story ever told, may well be the turning point in your life, regardless of your age.

The voice you will hear on this recording is that of John Earl Shoaff, one of the most creative and inspired men of our time.

Born with a weak heart, and of modest means his formal schooling did not go beyond the ninth grade. During World War Two, he was rejected by the military because of his heart condition. Yet he joined the American Field Services overseas, and as an ambulance driver and medical corps-men was in constant combat duty for over two years. And that’s caused irreparable damage to his heart, but it in candle a determination to devote his remaining years to some service, which would help man achieve greater fulfilment.

Starting as a pants presser after the war, he became a millionaire in less than four years, and subsequently headed several large corporations with unprecedented success. He was intimately acquainted with the outstanding men of industry and government, but never wavered in his drive to awaken men and women of all ages to their true potential. He frequently toured the country, telling spellbound audiences that life never never withholds anything from anyone.

Love, health, supply, companionship, employment. All these exist in infinite abundance. We alone are the ones who prevent our own good from flowing simply because we are not aware of nature’s abundance, and the tremendous power dormant in each of us power, which unfortunately remains untapped. Because we don’t know how to release and set in motion the activities which function these laws in failed one of life’s great tragedies was man’s persistence and clinging so tenaciously, to lack and limitation.

The true mark of greatness is not just in what a man accomplishes himself, but in his ability to help others help themselves and realize that they too can become great. John Earl Show was such a man, the rod is more, he had that rare ability of simplifying the laws of success and abundance to where even children understood and successfully applied them.

Therein is the great value of this recording, and why it can be the turning point in your life. However, your life will not change overnight by just hearing it once listened to her twice a day, every morning and evening, as you go about your daily chores, and do what it says. And in one month, the most amazing things will begin happening to you and your family. Mr. Show refused to say be naive enough to believe what I say for just 30 days, and you will be on your way to a new life. That’s why so many called him the millionaire maker. Recently, a prominent Senator remarked, had I own this record 10 years ago, I’d be in the White House today.

In 1962, at the Essex house in New York City, Mr. shelf was the keynote speaker at a large gathering of successful independent distributors from all over the United States, as we listen is just been introduced. But

I just want to take a few moments and cover some things that have assisted me and acquiring things in my life. I know that two people are aware of these basic fundamental laws that operate in this world of ours. Some people are aware of them, some people are not aware of them, but they are using them. And sometimes we wonder why certain things happen to us, we acquire certain things. And then over a period of time, it seems like we live in stagnation and nothing happens. Nothing takes place. Everything seems to be at a standstill. But there are basic laws in this universe that we are governed by and they work for you if you know how to apply them. And I would like to cover a couple of these laws just to assist you and knowing why these things happen. For an example, everybody is aware of the law of gravitation. Now we do not know how it works, but we know it works.

It works for everybody. It doesn’t matter whether you are a saint or whether you are the opposite to a saint.

If you jumped off a 20 story building and you are a saint, and you land on a concrete side-walk, you are going to be an unhealthy same

If you happen to be a crook and you do the same thing, the same thing happens to you. So basically, it doesn’t matter whether you’re good or bad. If you use the law of gravity wrong, you are going to suffer. The law of electricity works for all of us. If we use it properly, we can light our homes by spilling a light bulb into a socket.

If we stick our finger into it, then we get this you get burned. You can burn your house down with electricity, or you can light your home with it. You can cook with them, you can use refrigeration, all the great things that electricity will do for us, you do not have to be electrical minded person, you don’t have to be a genius to do it. A child three years old can push a button and turn the lights on. And one of the person was the greatest electronic engineer in the world. All he can do when he pushes that button is turn the lights on to. So basically it does not matter. The law of electricity will work for you. We have laws of success. We have laws of poverty, we have laws of lack of Laws of Prosperity, we have laws of hate, we have laws of love, we have laws of peace.

All of these are basic laws. If we use them, rightfully, wonderful things will happen to us, if we use them wrong, then we get ourselves in trouble. Now, one of the things that always bothered me, there was an all the books I’ve ever read on setting goals in life, positive thinking, positive goals that we want in life. And many of you people have probably read the similar books.

We follow these different steps, rules, laws. Exactly. And we set 10 goals in life, we end up with two, we lose out on eight. So it is not like the law of gravity seemingly, because it doesn’t work every time.

And the only reason does not work every time is because we do not use the right law.

We’re only using part of the law. And so the law of averages will give you a certain percentage of your goals. That is all you say, Gee, wasn’t that great, this happened to me. But whatever happened, all the other goals you had in life, I’m going to lay down a simple, basic way.

And you can have anything in this world you want to have. And you can be anything in this world you want to be and it’s a simple basic situation. There’s absolutely no problem to it.

These are scientific things that work every time if you will do it in a simple way. Now, the first thing that we want to become aware of that we’re going to be like farmers, we’re going to plant seeds. And the seeds that we plant are the seeds we’re going to read.

Now we are all aware that if you plant a seed a tomato, you are not going to get cucumbers, you’re going to get tomatoes. If you plant a watermelon seed, you’re not going to get grapefruit, you’re not going to get radishes. If you want radishes, folks, you must plant radishes.

And when you plant a seed in the earth, you must plan it properly. And if you do not plan a properly, you will not have the harvest.

One of the major problems in our country today, what the average person is they take the time and the effort to buy all the harvesting equipment, but they do not understand the planning

and the cultivating, we want to reap harvest, but we do not want to take the time to plan and we did not want to take the time to cultivate.

Now the planting of the seed in the earth is basically and absolutely the same process that you use in the mental world. We are born with a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. We are the only animal in the kingdom that has both a conscious and the subconscious mind a mind to decide at any time in life where we want to go or what we want or what we don’t want.

We can decide with this conscious mind of ours at any moment whether we want to do a thing or we don’t want to do it. We can decide what we want to eat or what we don’t want to eat. We can decide what we want to drink what we don’t want to drink. We can decide what we want in life and a home and an auto-mobile and the clothes we wear the stalls we buy anything that we want in this world any type of furniture any type of a home any type of anything. We decided anytime right here.

Now, where most people are making a mistake as they set their goals down, they say well what is your goals? Write them down. So the fella sits down he says I want a car.

When a house wasn’t furniture wants new clothes.

I want some money. And this is the way they set their goals.

How about if we had a whole group of seeds? Let’s take apple seeds. We had 50 different types of apple seeds.

And we just grabbed any one of them. Also, we want apples. We throw them in the ground economics. The Geno’s are green apples, I wanted red ones.

Well, that’s because you just picked any type of an apple seed. You didn’t describe it.

So we must learn to define. Now you’ve heard of the word visualizing that you have to learn to visualize things. And when you visualize something, this is the thing he’s going to bring into your life if the visualization is strong enough.

And we’re always visualizing things in our life. But that’s our tendency is to visualize negative situations.

Now, the reason for visualizing negative situations is because, folks, let’s not kid ourselves, we are living in a negative world.

If I ask somebody I says, By the way, Joe, how do you feel today? He says, good.


The next day, I asked him how he feels. And he says, I feel terrible. I just had a pain in my stomach and I have ache all over and he goes into a you think he was an actor. He can describe a negative situation in his body. So wonderful. But when he feels good, he just says Fine. 

How can people when they feel fine, they don’t say I feel great. I feel wonderful. I feel so great that I expect all the wonderful things to happen to me today. In other words, I have a little feeling when you’re talking about the good things in life. I say how are you doing in business? A guy says fine. If he has a bad day, I said How you doing? He’s a lousy. Oh, let me tell you this. Is I just having a terrible time? Did you read that article the other day, it took me several hours to find it. But it was on the back page down at the bottom and fine print but I located it.

People like negative things. They seem to vibrate with them for some strange reason. They don’t want things that are negative in their life. But they keep insisting I’m talking about them. And they can paint the most beautiful picture of loss of life.

Immediately I say by the way, the internal and everybody immediately start shaking.


Got to say?

And he starts creating pictures. He says, Oh, by the way, I wonder about last year what I did with that. Good. I wonder if they’ll find that. And immediately he said, I can see the guy come to the door now.

He’ll be here, what would it look like? And he gets a beautiful picture. And the next thing and all the guys knocking on his door.

He created the picture and he brought it into his life. And the funny thing about creating things, folks, we are creators. Nothing comes to us. Everything comes to us. From us. Everything in this world that happens to us comes from here, not out here. And everything that you have in your life has exactly what you designed the dress you’re wearing. The coat you’re wearing, the tie, you’re wearing the necklace, you’re wearing the soul, you’re wearing the home, you’re living in the neighbors, you’ve got the friends you got, and the distributors you got.

So don’t blame me for people that you attracted.

When you sign this person up, you’re the guy that coaxed him in. And you didn’t care who he was, as long as he come in.

And pretty soon you had 20 of them. And he says, You know what shelf? I got a lousy bunch of distributors.

Well, when you understand these laws, you won’t tell me these things. Because you are basically saying and I am not talking about you. I’m not talking about you. I wouldn’t dare there’s too many here.

But what I am saying is that everything we attract is what we are and what I am speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you say. And what you are speak so loudly, I cannot hear what you say.

You see everything that you have is the things that you’ve created. So be careful about what you create. Be careful. It’s hard to visualize the thing. vices, by the way, folks, let’s visualize

707, shall we?

You guys were what is this? What is the 707 look like I have only been there one and a couple of times as one of the airlines. So it’s hard to visualize one.

You want to visualize an automobile or a stall or I don’t like keep saying stalls. My life must be taken up a stall.

I keep getting that feeling. Every time we come to New York.

You see, we have to learn to describe things. I’m going to go through a description of a thing, because this is very important in your lives, folks. Please listen and please try to remember what I’m saying. You can change your life that quick into everything you wonderful. You’re gonna have everything wonderful happening to you if you use these basic simple things. Now I’m going to describe a thing that an animal

We’ll be allowed to talk about an auto-mobile because an auto-mobile is easy to describe. And then people can comprehend it very quickly and very easily. And I’m not going to talk about a Chevrolet.

I’m going to talk about a Cadillac. And every time I talk about a Cadillac, folks, I’m not describing the Cadillac, per se, I’m talking about a Cadillac idea, the Cadillac idea in clothing and the homes and the things that you really desire deep within you. And I’m not talking about something that you say, Well, I gotta have money to have a Cadillac, I’m not talking about money, it is not necessary that you have money to have a Cadillac. There’s many wonderful things can happen to you where these things can come from me to you, from very unusual sources. Many wonderful things can happen to you. If you believe in the thing that I’m talking about. And if you’ve been doing go through the process I’m talking about your incomes will be double, triple, quadruple, one of the things that I had in my in my first thing, imagine a pants presser, the one thing that I had my mind I had defined in my mind was a red Cadillac convertible. I never owned a Cadillac in my life. Now, you probably don’t want to read Cadillac, but I wanted one.

And I defined that thing right down the Red Sox. And the end result was I had me a red Cadillac convertible, and my income increased to a point where it costs me nothing.

This is visualizing this is a positive attitude towards the things you want. Too many people stop their dreams because they start thinking about the thing that is not necessary in order to have it. I say to somebody, I say, Do you want a new Cadillac, the guy says I want one, but I can’t afford it. I said that has nothing to do with affording this minute. I just want to know what you really want. Most people are afraid to define what they want in life. They’re afraid to define it. They’re afraid it’s going to cost them something. But if you’re making $1,000 a month right now, and you could double your income to $2,000 a month, you’re gonna have your Cadillac, you’re gonna have two Cadillacs, you’re gonna have five Cadillacs.

So you don’t have to worry about the income. I’m just talking about a principle now.

Now, the Cadillac, what do you do about it? I’ll say, Pete, what would you like to have? He says a Cadillac? No, don’t forget, folks. I’m going to give it to him. I’m going to get a job. So he has nothing to worry about. No money, no, nothing. So I says, Pete, what do you want? Is it a Cadillac? I says, Fine. P. Now this is where people make their mistakes.

So I got a nice 1936 beat up model downstairs. I’ll give it to you. He’s I don’t want a 36 model Cadillac. I said, You just told me you wanted a Cadillac. He says, I want a 62 Cadillac. I says, Why didn’t you tell me P? Why didn’t you tell me? This is the way people set their dreams. They just say I want a Cadillac.

Do you want an orange one or a green one is allow on a red one.

Now he started the van. And you know, it’s very difficult to define up here in your mind. The best thing to do is to get a piece of paper folks and start defining on a piece of paper, a 1962, Cadillac,

a red Cadillac.

Convertible, I’m just describing one car now, you’re gonna have any kind of car you want.

I love the Cadillac 1962 convertible with a white top.

Red light upholstering a red floor rug, white wall tires, electric windows

air conditioning unit, guys, um, as that causes don’t worry about you’re gonna get it for nothing. But guys, I’ll take a son.

So now he says, I’m gonna put everything down then tonight. Is that right? Describe it right down the tee. So he goes right through his Cadillac. And he describes everything about this Cadillac that he wants. And when he gets all through the perfect visualizations up here now, because he has described it, when you write it, you start seeing it because he says, Let’s see No red Cadillac at the white top. We’re kind of boasting. Now he says, No, see, no red, all red? No, I didn’t have red with a white in it. So he gets the picture up here by writing it down here. This is how you define things that you want in this world. So he gets it all defined. When he gets that Cadillac completely defined in his mind.

He’s got the seed. He hasn’t planted it yet. He’s got it picked out.

Now the important thing is that you must release that seed, you must release it and it must be planted. And the finest worst thing in the world to plant that seed is to take on this piece of paper now and just right across that thank you. That’s the law of acceptance. And you will be amazed how many people in this world can accept their good will be shocked.

Thank you means that I have accepted it.

I’m going to have it I noticed

Time and then you take and fold this piece of paper up with this bowl on it with his dream, your desire and you put it away put it underneath a tablecloth someplace or put it in a drawer someplace, don’t carry it around and don’t take it out and look at it anymore. When you do this, that is planning it in the subconscious mind.

You have accepted it, it goes into the subconscious mind. The thing starts to work.

Now the reason you put this away

The reason you put the seed away after you have defined it, and the seed has been planted in the subconscious mind, you put it away someplace, never to look at it again.

And the reason for it is like planting the seed in the earth folks. If you go and dig that seed up two or three times a day to look at it, nothing’s going to happen. And if you’ve ever seen a lack of faith, that’s a farmer who had the gullibility to go and dig a seed up to find out of his groin yet. Now there is real faith, he really believes in the laws of growth. And that’s the same thing with us human beings. This is where we make our mistakes.

When we plant that seed in the subconscious mind, and it’s there, the dream is there, the things start working towards you, the Cadillac start to work towards you event starts taking place out here, and the first thing you know, it’s getting closer and closer to you.

Now, if we take it out, and we look at it, the thing that happens is we say I wonder where it’s coming from. This is a this is a true showing of lack of faith. I wonder when it’s coming, I wonder how it’s coming.

And so you are putting doubt in blah, blah, and it will not come folks that will not come to you.

Now, what’s going to happen, the seed that you planted in the subconscious mind, you’ll be driving down the street, you will be in a restaurant talking to a friend and all of a sudden there’s red Cadillac convertible, the white top of the whole thing, I’ll hit you right again, or you’ll see that your dream, it’ll keep coming back.

Reason this thing keeps coming back to you. This is the only way that the universal law has a talking to you. There’s no voice.

That’s all in visualization. And when this dream comes up, what it really means is it is on its way to you it is on its way to you. It’s right around the corner.

And so you do not at that time say how when or where

all you do is say thank you, because you know it’s on its way. And that immediately puts it back out of your mind. Now how would you act if you really truly wanted a red Cadillac convertible? If you really truly wanted one? That was a strong desire in your life? And you knew is on his way, how would you act? Man you had vibrant over lunch. It feels terrific is it if you train yourself, man, it’s almost it’s almost here. You have walk taller, you look taller, you’ll be happier, you’ll be positive, you’ll be more everything.

So you act different, you talk different, you even look like a prosperous person, you have things wonderful things happening to you.

What is the positive attitude come in at this automatically creates a positive attitude. Because it’s a law of expectancy, good things are going to happen. You are planted your seeds properly. And they are working their self to you. And so you are automatically a positive person because all these wonderful things are going to happen. Now, don’t just have one seed planted folks, plant many seeds. Any great desire you have in your life, are tangible objects are intangible objects.

You can have anything in this world you want to have. And you can be anything in this world you want to be by using this simple process.

And there’s absolutely no way you can keep success from your door, if you will follow these basic simple little process that I’ve just described. This is the law of life. And every one of you people have worked this process. But maybe you weren’t completely aware of how you worked it. But think of what it was That’s why you only get two out of eight things or three out of eight or one out of eight, or one out of 10 because you didn’t know exactly the process that you were using now you know the process so you can do it with everything in this world.

Children, our children vogs How many times have you heard people say to their children, the child says I’m going to be president united states and the father and mother would say to him you

with your studies. You will never make it to here.

Now this is a wonderful seed to plant in this fertile little brain. The subconscious foot a little mind. You’re telling him he can’t he isn’t smart enough.

The child says I’m going to be a rich man when I grow up I’m gonna have everything in this world because you you’re gonna have to learn a lot Jr. One thing you don’t know how to handle money. You got to learn to use our elbow grease. Anybody has ever used the elbow grease i don’t know is ever made millions I’m sure yet. The elbow grease is up here and very few people use that.

Now, what do you want to tell Junior? Anytime any children come to you or to the parents?

You should tell your children this

Say Jr.

You’re the type of child that can have anything in this world. You have the ability, and the intelligence to go anywhere, do anything and have everything in this world.

It is yours because you’re that type of a child start planting these seeds in our children.

This country today is teaching too many children, too many children,

what to think, instead of how to think?

And what are we, we are only children a little older than other children.

And we are going up children. And we have to have some time in life, we have to start deciding and pinpointing things that we want in this world. And I’m not just talking about the tangible objects, I’m talking about the intangible things, what would you like to be? What type of person would you like to be?

If you’d like to have more love in your life?

Well, then you must learn to give love, you’ll never have anything without giving. Everything I give, I receive back, multiplied.

If I have a lot of hate in my life, I’m giving hate out. And so if I don’t want hate coming in my life, I should not be giving it out. If I don’t want people to talk about me, I shouldn’t be talking about people.

Everything that I send out, I get back with feeling every thought I think I don’t get because I did not plant my seed properly. I did not have a true visualization. How many of you ladies have thought about a beautiful dress, a beautiful dress or a beautiful something that you wanted to have?

How many of you just said I would love to have a mink stole

a few years ago

that my wife even mentioned the main store. The first thing that comes to my mind is where were you going to get it from how you gonna pay for it. And I did not understand these things.

When you just say a main store, you know what? I never was aware that there was so many mink stoles in the country, every kind that every price and color and designs and everything else. And if you don’t even know the exact kind you want, how do you ever expect to have it? That’s like some exam. You know, the amazing thing, the average person in this room. And I’m only saying this people because we are the average people in the world. And I’m not saying this. And I say average, because I am talking to an intelligent group of people. I’m not talking to the people way down the ladder. I’m talking to a group of intelligent people. And I’m saying this, that you analyze this yourself and ask yourself this basic question. 

Do you know what you want in life?

If I was to ask you right now, what do you really want? What is the tangible objects that you want in this world? Things that you can feel and touch and smell? What are these things that you want in life? And you know, folks, the amazing thing, I doubt if there’s 2% of the people in this room could tell me and describe it. And just like that come out and say it because they have not been completely defined. He’s got a new home. So what kind of a home would you like? This as well? Let’s see now.

I think I like a two storey building.

Now this is a good way to pick your home. Do you think you’d like a two storey building?

You don’t know how many bedrooms? You haven’t made out of design. You don’t know exactly what you want. And this is why folks, that you know what happens we get a lot of things. It’s leftover from the people who know what they want.

That’s why we do not get the things we haven’t defined it. We do not know exactly what we want. How much success do you want, you guys don’t want a lot of money.

Let me tell you the importance in defining things. This is a very, very important thing. Very important boy, you can get yourself messed up something awful if you don’t follow this properly a

friend of mine I told him about this idea of creating a vision. Because when you get the vision of the Cadillac once more you you didn’t even get the feeling of the frame. You can even see yourself in it, you can get the feeling of that thing. This is this is where things happen quick for you. I told the person about visualizing things, defining what he wanted, but he didn’t define it completely. This was his dream he wanted to take an ocean voyage

and he gets a feeling of the ocean voyage and everything else he is in this ship and a bow of a ship you know and those waves were rolling in as breezes blowing in his face in the salt water was boiling in his face and and he had all a feeling and everything else.

And within one year’s time.

This dream come back to him because he was standing on a ball the ship

and as well as the wave

Then a breeze was blowing in his face and the saltwater was hitting another on his face.

But he forgot to define it completely. And he was taking his voyage he was in the service.

Be sure and define your dream exactly

my name is ever since she was born, she is now

21 years old.

We have been teaching her these ideas are you know people don’t hear so that no, they they just hear what they want to hear they for some strange reason. You tell the guy you want it? What do you want, you can have anything in the world you want to have anything you’ve made, you can have anything. The guy says well, and at the time to write it down. Think about if I says if you dig a ditch, from here to Washington, DC six feet deep three big wide. I’ll give you a million dollars. The guys get a shovel start right in Vegas. But I tell you, I’ll give it to you. The guys that can be isn’t that amazing? My knees. We’ve been telling you this thing over and over and over about visualizing and pinpointing the things that she wanted in her life. i What do you want, she does money, money. I just how much money she’s just big piles of money.

And so she got this feeling he could say in her mind piles of money, just count no piles of it, you know, $100 bills and 50s and, and coins and just money all over the place.

And within six months time, within six months time,

she was counting out money in a bank.

She was a clerk and a bank cashier.

She did not be fine it that was her money she was counting.

That’s why these things are important.

It’s important to define things. It’s like the fella says, What do you want? He says I want to earn $1,000 a week.

I said you better get closer to it than that. But you’re not defining it.

See what’s wrong with that. I know a lot of people are earning $1,000 a week and they’re only getting 50.

So you want to say I want to earn and I want to receive $1,000 a week.

There’s one thing about the subconscious mind folks, it does not play favourites.

It doesn’t care. It doesn’t fool. And everyone that you plant there if you’re going to reap.

That’s why you want to be sure that you plant exactly what you want. That’s why people are getting all the time things they don’t want guys run out so he doesn’t know anything about but he gets it. He’s gonna get a house like this isn’t exactly what we want. And we’ve been in here for a month, we should have three bedrooms instead of two.

And he said how come we got this far here. This isn’t a he didn’t know what he wanted. So he just got he just got a host. He didn’t be fine it he went to have that house here at the palace.

And so that is with everything in this world. Everything. If you want to, if you want to be a happier person, be finding the type of person you would like to be. Be famous pinpoint it, write it down, write a contract, thank you plan a deeply. And once you do it, don’t worry about it any-more. This is going to happen to you all wonderful things are going to happen to you to make you a happy person. You want more success, how much success.

You know, when I was working in a dry cleaning business, I was making 100 bucks a week lesson 100 bucks. Ain’t gonna happen $100 A week.

If somebody told me it paid me $200 We had that on man. This was the end, this was the end. I could retire practically on $200 a week.

So what is success? What is success?

If I talk to a man who’s making $3,000 a month

and told him I was going to pay him $200 A week, he wouldn’t be very happy about the situation.

So what is success in your life? What is it that you want? Define it, write it down, pinpoint every drop of that dream that you have in your mind, define it so clearly on that piece of paper that you can completely see it in your mind. And when you get it written down, right thank you on it and plant that seed and put it away and it will start to materialize. It will start coming into your life that is anything folks. Anything anything, guys, so I’m going to put down the Statler Hotel.

You know why it wouldn’t work for him? You know why it wouldn’t work for him? And I’m not saying it won’t work for the good fellow. But I’m saying that won’t work for the average person. Do you know why? He couldn’t even imagine getting it. He can write it down. He can define it. You can put Thank you Anna, but he can never plant the seed and the reason he can because he couldn’t even imagine getting the Statler Hotel. That’s why I don’t forget this is something that you have to accept you

You’re going to have it folks.

I told people about a Cadillac, the average people working on average jobs, I said, Do you want a Cadillac? Guys? Well, no, I don’t want no Cadillac. And I said, Well, why don’t you want a Cadillac? He’s as well. And for one thing, he said, the cost too much to operate them.

So so he doesn’t want one, he isn’t ready for that step yet. Now, so he steps from one car to another to another, he raises his consciousness. Until pretty soon he can buy Cadillacs, like the average guy buys a pair of shoes.

And you can grow, you can grow in your thinking, I’ve had people say, Boy, you got to be careful about people, you know, they’ll take you in, if you’re not careful. And they get such a wonderful visualization, they’re always getting taken in.

And so you see how we build these pictures in our minds.

People will spend the morning they’re gonna get ready for a wonderful day, tomorrow morning. Now we’re getting ready for a wonderful day, we’re going out and it’s going to be the most successful day we’ve ever had in our entire life.

I said, How are you going to start the morning?

Exactly, what are you going to do is well, the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to go out on the porch, he’s going through his morning, now he’s going out in the park. So he’s gonna get his newspaper, gonna get his newspaper, and read a little bit about positive thinking and the headlines.

And if he can’t find it there, he’ll look and look and look and look until he finds something that is really good, negative. And then he’ll tell his wife and describe it. She says, guess what I found in the paper.

And he starts telling him about some wonderful divorces taken place. And they kids, they committed suicide. And they’ll go on with this. And he says, just imagine that, imagine what’s happening here. And he’ll describe it. And he’ll describe it and he’ll go on with his negativity and a negativity will get started and the wife will get negative and he will get more negative than when he gets all to have breakfast. Now.

He’s in such a nasty mood that he don’t even like his dog.

And he’s going out to face the world for the positive attitude. Do you see how ridiculous it is? Folks? Do you see how ridiculous it is and some of the ridiculous things we do in life. And we wonder why success doesn’t always come to us in the proportion that we’d like to have it come to us

expect wonderful things.

Be a creator of ideas. Let’s not be moons, the reflector of ideas, let’s be suns must be the creator of the light, let’s be the creator of the ideas. Because we all have the capacity, you know, that the guardian of the gate as the conscious mind, this guardian can at anytime lead any thought through to the subconscious mind and wants any thought at any time. We are thinking human beings, we have the capacity to think of anything, anything in this world we can think of. But we do not have the capacity to think of nothing.

Or you try to imagine what nothing is trying to get up out of that. There is absolutely no way.

So that means that we are thinking human beings and our thoughts flying through our mind continuously a steady flow of thoughts all the time coming through the mind.

Now, where do these thoughts come from? All of a sudden, you say gee, that

must come out of the clear blue sky must come out a clear blue to me. You didn’t think of it. In fact, that might be something you didn’t even know about. And the thought comes through and you say, well, that’s kind of ridiculous, isn’t that couldn’t happen to me. And so you throw that throw that aside. And if it’s a good thought, why not accept it, and stop and analyse it and accept it and let it happen to you. And these thoughts are coming to your mind all the time. But and negative thoughts will come through. And it stops me from industry. Boy, that’s a good negative. So I don’t have to stop and analyse that one. And you start thinking about it. And pretty soon you get a frown on your face and you think about a little more and you create a beautiful picture. And all of a sudden, you put that down the subconscious is a boy there’s another bad things going to happen to me.

Have you ever caught yourself thinking about something you didn’t want to think about? You’ve been thinking about it for five minutes. And all of a sudden is a gentleman think about that nasty thing for we do it. We do it all the time, folks. But we can stop now anytime we want. And we can change that thought and put in a good side. If you don’t want to think about oranges, change the thought and think about bananas if you want. If you don’t want to think about lat change the thought and think about prosperity. If you don’t want to think about hate, think about love.

If you don’t want to think about anything that is negative, put a positive idea in your head and see what happens and you’re going to analyse it and you can just dream about and everything else and get all these seeds planted properly. And have all of these wonderful things happen. Tip 20 Wonderful seeds planted, get them written down the fine, thank you to the subconscious mind, put it away. And every time it comes back into the mind, and the law is saying it’s on its way you just say thank you don’t analyse it because it’s already planted. Just say thank you and want

and have 1015 2030 these wonderful seeds planted, and folks will walk on air, and you’ll have miracles happen in your life. And don’t be afraid to do this. Your wife isn’t in harmony with the wonderful things that you want to happen to you. Or if the husband is in harmony with you, or if the children aren’t, or your friends aren’t. You don’t have to show them.

plant your seeds privately then, and put them away privately and plant them deep. And all these wonderful things will happen and say, you know, the one thing about that person, I don’t want to happen to him, but man, oh man, everything they touch turns to gold. And that’s the reason. That’s the reason folks, the planning properly of your seats.

It’s a real pleasure being here with you. Thank you very much.

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