Crown Chakra symbol
Sahasrara translates (from Sanskrit) to ‘thousand fold’ and the crown chakra symbol is depicted by a thousand-petalled lotus, consisting of 1000 petals with all vrittis from previous chakras, circle in the middle and Seed mantra OMॐin the centre.
Location: Top of the head
Responsibility: Spiritual connection
Colour: Purple
Cosmic energy, pure spirit, higher power, consciousness.
The Crown Chakra is pure spirit, it is not associated with any element, this is one of the characteristics that distinguishes it from others. The Crown Chakra transcends the physical body and matter, it is pure life energy that must flow freely.
The Crown Chakra is associated with bright white and golden light and with the element of pure light. It is the Chakra of self-transcendence, loss of ego-boundaries and connection with the infinite source of life.
The seventh and final chakra is the crown chakra, known in Sanskrit as Sahasrara. This chakra is the only one located off the body, sitting just above the top of the head. It is responsible for our connection to the divine and is the most challenging chakra to access.
The crown chakra is associated with enlightenment. If you are one of the lucky ones to open your crown chakra in this lifetime, it is said you will transcend the physical world. It’s only possible to open and balance this chakra if all six chakras below are balanced. However, once this chakra is open, it will help keep all the other chakras aligned.
The Sahasrara chakra is linked to the brain and nervous system, but as it is connected to all the other chakras, it can affect all organs in the body.
A balanced Crown Chakra
People with a balanced crown chakra have a strong spiritual connection to their higher selves. They have fully detached from their ego and external circumstances, and they experience bliss and divine consciousness.
An unbalanced Crown Chakra
A person with a blockage in the seventh chakra will seek happiness in the external world rather than within. They may also be narrow-minded, stubborn, and even dismiss the existence of spirituality. It is also possible for the crown chakra to become overactive. In this case, a person will lose touch with reality and struggle to function in the physical world.
Chakra Significance
It doesn’t have to be complicated or overly philosophical to consider the benefits of paying attention to the 7 chakras.
Without a doubt they are areas of the physical human body we are all familiar with. You don’t have to be religious or sceptical to know that looking after your health is key to your personal happiness and prosperity.
So it makes sense that we should ensure we maintain and care for ourselves from top to bottom and the 7 chakras are a wonderful illustration and map for guidance on how we can try to do this daily, both physically and non-physically. Emotionally and intellectually. Spiritually and consciously. You don’t have to believe in anything in particular and it doesn’t matter what you believe, if anything.
There may be 7 chakra different points yet they are not wholly independent of each other and do not work in isolation. In fact they are in total coordination with each other, connected and reliant on each others wellness. Having said that it is useful to understand their functions alone to see this connection and also useful to work individually on each chakra to open and cleanse and heal which aids the over all healing of the chakra chain
Every day seventh chakra
Associated with the element of thought, this energy center controls your connection to spirit, as well as your sense of universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge.
When the Sahasrara Chakra activates, it brings a more positive outlook on life. There are visible changes in our habits and attitude. The Self is no longer ruled by the ego. Emotions like gratitude, compassion, and acceptance become our true Self.
When the Sahasrara Chakra activates, it brings a more positive outlook on life. There are visible changes in our habits and attitude. The Self is no longer ruled by the ego. Emotions like gratitude, compassion, and acceptance become our true Self. It is a rejection of all negative thoughts that bring unhappiness and stress in our lives. A balanced Crown Chakra brings spiritual understanding and peace with a clear perspective. When the Crown Chakra is unbalanced or blocked, he or she may experience disillusionment, boredom, melancholy, and restlessness.
The Spiritual Connection of the Colour Violet.
Violet or white is the colour of the Crown Chakra. Violet is the colour of spirituality. It is a unifying colour that contains all the qualities of other chakras when completely activated. It brings a strong emotion of letting go and also the joy of transformation. There is a realization of a profound change. The spirit of violet allows the self to look beyond the merely physical and material values of existence.
Healing, balancing and opening the Crown Chakra
You are naturally aware that the crown chakra is open and balanced, as the bright violet light shines over your oneness energy hub, feeling enlightened and connected to life’s purposes you can see beyond your physical being with a higher consciousness and clarity around the meaning to your life. You are clear and purposeful in your thinking and behaviour and endeavour to live in peace, love and complete awareness.
It doesn’t always need to be a last minute emergency break down that calls for the crown chakra maintenance, it is easy and simple to implement balance and openness with just a few simple daily techniques to head off chakra blockages.
How to Balance the Crown Chakra
The Sahasrara chakra relates to cosmic energy. For most, the idea of the crown chakra may seem out of reach, reserved only for wise monks or gurus. However, each person has the power to connect to their higher selves little by little through meditation and healing. Include the colour violet in your life. Mindful breathing represents one form of meditation to help quiet the mind and open the crown chakra. Close the eyes while sitting in an upright crossed-legged position or laying on the back in savasana pose. Focus on the breath as you breathe in and breathe out. As thoughts arise, observe them, and let them pass. Over time, you experience a sense of spirituality that exists as we connect to our divine selves.
Burn Sahasrara incense and essential oils.
Repeat positive affirmations about enlightenment and spiritual connection
A Healing Visualization for Crown Chakra
Meditation is a beautiful grounding practice when focused on the bright violet crown chakra, a force of nature connecting your physical body and the higher power of awareness and spiritual enlightenment.
Meditation isn’t a mystical practise. It is a daydreaming state we are all capable of entering at the click of our fingers, yet so powerful as a tool to clear and redirect the balance and energy of the body and mind. There is no right or wrong way of doing it, there is not fear attached to the process. Just be you and just daydream.
Just try this basic daydream visualization and the attached audio of relaxation. Be specific in dwelling on the crown chakra area in your throat area.
Picture in your relaxed quiet mind, a bright glowing violet light like a beam and stream, a shimmer and glimmer of violet power flowing and glowing from your crown chakra, up and down and around your body and mind. An enlightened inspirational glow from head to toe.
And when your mind wanders, because it does, and its OK, then simply return to this meditation technique as many times as you feel the need. Be that violet ball of energy flow from and around the top of your head, your crown. Feel that bright violet connection from your crown into the Universe.
Then, after several minutes, imagine releasing the violet light away and into that Universe, vibrating and connecting with all around, allowing the violet glow to flow and see it dissolving as you breathe out deeply releasing into the light around you.
Imagine any energy that no longer serves or benefits you seeping out of your body and away from you.
The Crown Chakra diet
As well as daily habits attending to the maintenance and clearing of our mind, our structured sleep patterns, the sweet essence of daydreaming, the simplicity of a personalised physical and breathing exercise program and time and travel in natures glorious sights and fresh air; it is vital we have a diet that compliments the care of each chakra.
To avoid the heavy feelings of being drained and low, we should deliberately eat foods which connect us with the oneness energy hub.
For the crown chakra, in line with the natural chakra violet colour, as well as dietary intake it is widely considered that fasting, time restricted eating and detoxifying are beneficial for crown chakra development and care. The cleansing physically awakens the highest energies of enlightenment and spiritual communication.
Feed it with: Dark bluish fruits like blue berries, black berries, raspberries help to keep the chakra centred. Wine and grape juice, along with spices like poppy seeds are considered perfect for the chakra.
The benefits and simplicity of incense and smudging herbs like sage, copal, myrrh, frankincense, and juniper go a long way within this process.
Enjoy and savour these foods, each bite and taste a precious invasion of the crown chakra energy. Feel the comfort and the pleasure as the violet light glow enters your physical body and your mind knows all about it.
Sahasrara Seventh Chakra Meditation
Meditating with the crown chakra brings intuitive knowledge, deep understanding, strong spirituality, and an enhanced sense of awe. It allows you to see the divine interconnectedness of all forms of life.
1. Sit in a comfortable meditation pose with your legs crossed and your back straight. If working in a group, sit in a circle.
2. Rest your hands in your lap, palms upward, with your left hand on top. This is the mudra (hand position) for receiving energy. Close your eyes and let your breathing become slow and even.
3. Visualize a thousand-petalled lotus at the crown of your head. Imagine its petals gently opening to reveal an intense light. Let this divine light flow down into you through your crown chakra. Repeat one of the affirmations below, or create one that has more meaning for you. If you are alone, say the words silently; in a group, you may wish to chant them out loud, in unison:
“I am surrounded and protected by divine light.”
“This light nourishes my entire being.”
“I am forever walking in the light.”
“I grow stronger by tuning into the divine light.”
4. Feel the light spiralling down your body. Enjoy the warm glow as it saturates your entire being. Let every cell be permeated by light and inspiration, and every part of your consciousness become illuminated.
5. Focus your senses on the intensity of the light so that you not only see it, but hear, smell, taste, and touch it. Think of the light as a manifestation of your higher self, representing the peace that lies beyond understanding.
6. Feel like a pure channel for the light: allow yourself to be at one with it. In this state of oneness, intuitive thoughts and inspirations may enter your consciousness. Be thankful for this guidance.
7. After 15 minutes, take a few deep breaths and open your eyes.
100 Crown Chakra Affirmations
- I am open to new ideas.
- Information I need comes to me easily.
- The world is my teacher.
- I am guided by a higher power and inner wisdom.
- I am worthy of love from divine energy.
- I am open to letting go of my attachments.
- I live in the present moment.
- I am an extension of the Universe, and The Universe is kind and loving.
- I am connected with the wisdom of the universe.
- I am a spiritual being in a human body.
- I honour the sacred divinity that exists within me.
- I am pure, beautiful, radiant light.
- My body is a beautiful home for my radiant soul.
- I am divinely protected, inspired, and guided by the Universe.
- I am deeply and unconditionally loved by the Universe.
- I am worthy of unconditional love from divine energy.
- I am connected to a limitless source of creativity, abundance, health, happiness, and love.
- I surrender to the loving will of the Universe.
- I am my highest, most authentic self.
- My highest self guides my actions and decisions.
- I am aligned with my soul’s purpose and truth
- I am always divinely and lovingly guided.
- I know deep inner peace.
- Eternal peace flows to and through me.
- I release the need to control my life and surrender to a higher power.
- I trust my intuition and listen to the wisdom of the universe.
- I am always gently held and lovingly guided by this Universe.
- I am loved, cherished, and adored by this Universe.
- Pure white light flows through me and heals my body, mind, and spirit.
- I am aligned with the highest frequency of love.
- I am clear about what I want and take inspired action to achieve my dreams.
- I release doubt and welcome faith.
- Every day, I feel more connected to my spirit.
- I openly accept spiritual guidance from a higher power.
- I bravely let go and allow the Universe to reveal its beautiful plan for me.
- I trust that the Universe gives me exactly what I need at exactly the right time.
- I am eternally connected to the divine source of the Universe.
- Even when the world is immersed in darkness, I walk forward in faith, love, and light.
- The light and energy of the Universe flow within me.
- I have unshakeable faith in my divine path.
- I’m Source Energy in a human body, and I can do anything.
- I surrender to my highest good.
- I surrender to the highest good for all.
- I am love. I am light. I am connected to all.
- I am on my perfect path for my life purpose. I become more enlightened each day.
- I am in harmony with nature and animals.
- Everything is connected. I am connected to all of life.
- My life is beautiful and sacred.
- My soul is always guiding me. I easily recognize divine wisdom as it flows to me.
- My life flows beautifully. I am always learning from my experiences.
- I’m learning to release attachments to physical things. My happiness comes from within.
- I observe my challenges with curiosity about what they can teach me.
- I am a divine being.
- I enjoy the little things in life.
- My soul chose this life experience for growth and expansion.
- I am a cooperative component with the universe, on the leading edge of creation.
- Death is nothing to be afraid of because I am more than my physical body.
- All is well in my world.
- I am open to knowing myself more deeply.
- Separation is an illusion; I am connected to all that is.
- I am joyful.
- I trust the universe and know that I am always safe.
- I am healing on all levels of my being.
- I understand that I am an important connection in the web of life.
- I am more than my ego-self.
- I vibrate at the frequency of appreciation and pure joy.
- My crown chakra is open and in perfect balance.
- I choose to live in the present moment because ‘now’ is all there is. All of my power is in the now.
- I know that everyone is at a different level of spiritual awareness, and doing the best they can.
- I release limiting thoughts, beliefs, and relationships that no longer serve me.
- Abundance is a natural result of my gratitude and appreciation for life. Prosperity flows to me with ease when I’m in alignment with my true self.
- I am oneness.
- I am healed on all levels of my being.
- I am fully aware and awake.
- I honour the divine within me.
- I am open to letting go of attachments.
- I am connected to all that is.
- I remove all limited thoughts and beliefs.
- I feel a strong spiritual connection to my higher self.
- I have unlimited possibilities available to me.
- I can achieve anything.
- I tap into my inner wisdom.
- I love and accept myself.
- I am a divine being.
- I am connected to the universe.
- All is well.
- Everything I seek is within me.
- I accept and receive divine energy to flow throughout my Chakras.
- I am divinely guided.
- I understand my life purpose.
- My experiences are blissful.
- I am in complete control of my emotions.
- I am optimistic and confident.
- I am aware of my inner beauty.
- I embrace life and cherish my spirit.
- I radiate love and warmth.
- I respect the intentions and emotions of others.
- I am open to receiving new energy.
- I surrender to the power of the Universe.
- I honour the Divine within me.
Crown Chakra Yoga Poses
Balancing the crown chakra may help you feel more ease. Mentally, the ability to situate yourself in the world around you brings relaxation and clear-headedness. Increased synergy between the physical and mental allows a deeper connection with the spiritual realm.
Tree Pose

Start in Mountain Pose. Find a fixed point in front of you and stare at it to help you balance.
As you inhale, shift the weight into your left foot and lift your right foot an inch off the floor. Using your right hand, bring the foot to your shin or inner thigh. Avoid placing your foot directly on the knee.
As you exhale, ground through the standing leg and lengthen through the crown of your head. Bring your palms to touch in front of your sternum into prayer hands.
Pro tip: To play with your balance, lift your hands up toward the sky in a V-shape. Take your gaze up toward the ceiling. If you’re an experienced practitioner, you can even try closing your eyes.
Forearm stand

Pincha Mayurasana
The Forearm Stand is a balancing inversion. It is an advanced pose and is good preparation for even more challenging backbends and arm balances. Getting a feel for kicking up can take some time, especially if you’re new to inversions. With practice, you will build your confidence.
Rabbit pose

From Child pose, hold onto the heels with the hands and pull the forehead in towards the knees with the top of the head on the floor.
Holding tightly onto the heels, inhale and lift the hips up towards the ceiling. Roll onto the crown of the head and press the forehead as close to the knees as possible.
Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
To release: slowly exhale and lower the hips to the heels and slide the forehead back to the floor into child pose.
Rabbit pose lengthens the spine and stretches the back, arms, and shoulders while stimulating the immune and endocrine systems.
Corpse Pose

Lie face-up, bringing your legs to the outer edges of your mat, like a starfish. Splay your feet out to the sides. Place arms along sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and relax.
The benefits
It’s as simple as it sounds. Every yoga class includes Savasana, which relaxes the whole body and gives you space to absorb the benefits of the practice.
Lotus Pose

Sit on the floor or at the back of your yoga mat with your legs straight in front of you. Cross your right leg over the left thigh. Bend your right knee and use your hands to guide your foot in the crevice of your left thigh so that the heel is tucked in towards your navel and the soles of your feet facing upwards.
Guide your left foot over your right thigh. Now, bend your left leg and use your hands to guide your left foot into the crevice of your right thigh, over the right leg.
Adjust accordingly. Make any necessary adjustments to either leg or foot to make your bind more comfortable, such as gently pulling each foot more securely into the pose. Take note of your spinal position. In this pose, your spine should be straight, from the base to the neck.
Bring your hands to each knee. Next, come into Gyan mudra (a yogic hand gesture) by bringing your pointer fingers and thumbs together to create a circle, extending the other three fingers on each hand.
Place your palms face up on either knee or dangle them from the legs with the wrists resting on the knees.
Engage your root and throat locks. Engage Mula Bandha, or root lock, by lifting through the pelvic floor muscles—an essential group of muscles that support the bladder, bowels, and uterus.
Simultaneously, tuck your chin in towards your chest, place your tongue behind the bottom teeth, and make the back of your neck long, constricting the throat. Pull the energy up through your root and down through your throat.
Close your eyes and breathe. Close your eyes and meditate for a minute, taking long slow breaths in and out through the nose, then slowly release the pose.
Full lotus pose can is an intense heart and hip opener and can be strenuous on the knee joints and hips. Here are a couple of modifications you can make as an alternative to full lotus or to build up to full lotus as a warm-up:
Easy pose (Sukhasana): Sit cross-legged on the floor or on a yoga mat. Allow the feet to come one in front of the other as far from the body as necessary to create space between the knees and the hips. Feel your sitz bones rooting to the mat and sit up tall. Place your palms face up or face down on each knee, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. This pose is a gentle hip opener and will prepare your mind and body for a yoga practice or meditation session.
Half lotus pose (Ardha Padmasana): In half lotus, one foot stays on the ground in front of the body, and the hips and knees are opened gently by placing only one foot at a time on top of the opposite thigh, sole of the foot facing upwards. Place your palms face up on each knee and breathe. Settle into each side with at least 10 deep breaths before practicing on the other side. Notice the difference between how the stretch feels on each side of the body.
Headstand with lotus (Sirsasana Padmasana): Advanced practitioners may try the headstand variation for a more intense and challenging experience of lotus pose. If you have a headstand in your practice, experiment with bringing each leg to a lotus position while holding your supported or tripod headstand. Initially, you may want to only cross the legs into more of an easy seat. Experiment with bringing each foot into half lotus, and, if accessible, full lotus position. Focus on one point ahead of you and breathe deeply while moving through this lotus headstand play.
Crown Chakra Stones and Crystals and aroma
Wearing the following gems and stones will enhance Third Eye chakra energy. Alternatively, place them on your meditation altar
Clear Quartz
White Topaz
Herkimer Diamond
White Agate
White Calcite
Essential oils for your Crown chakra:
Cedarwood – A highly spiritual oil, cedarwood has been used to aid meditation throughout the centuries.
It improves focus and helps to clear the mind and direct it towards a particular purpose, allowing us greater control over our train of thought.
Frankincense – Frankincense oil also has strong ties to spirituality – Ancient Egyptians believed that burning the oil allowed them to communicate with the gods.
Frankincense is said to provide both a physical and emotional boost, helping us to realise our best selves.
Lavender – Lavender is known for its powerful effects on the mind. A calming oil, it is able to easy daily stresses and help us to focus on the bigger picture.
Crown Chakra Sound Healing
Crown Chakra, Frequency – 216 Hz Re-Connects With the Spirit, Energies of the Spiritual World.
“Om,” or “Aum,” is the mantra for the crown chakra (note that matra is not the same as affirmation). Traditionally, it’s repeated at the beginning and the end of a yoga practice, but you can always use this mantra as a way to connect to your affirmation. The Sanskrit translation of Om means ‘source’ or ‘supreme.