Those who know things

Focus on One Thing – Jim Rohn Speech

Read Time 9 mins   Here’s the key on this don’t major in minor things. If you take up major time to do minor things, I’m telling you, you’ll be behind the curve constantly. Here’s what we learned in sales training, what’s major time and what’s minor time? Here’s minor time thinking about prospects, here’s minor time making list […]

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Interview with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford & Harvey Firestone

Read Time 3 mins Interview with Thomas Edison, Henry Ford & Harvey Firestone. (Video and audio quality is very poor don’t adjust your tech!) Can you imagine how many followers these guys would have on social media these days? Trillions. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. More than simply the light bulb the car and the tyre –

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Master the basic fundamentals – Earl Nightingale

Read Time 2 mins   Earl Nightingale Earl Nightingale was a renowned self-help author, radio personality, and motivational speaker. Born in 1921, he became known as the “Dean of Personal Development” and left an indelible mark on the industry with his inspirational messages. In “How to Master the Basic Fundamentals of Life,” Earl Nightingale shares his insights on the

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Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 5 – Lifestyle

Read Time < 1 mins   ‘Now here’s the last one. Number five is called lifestyle.’ Lifestyle is simply learning how to live well. The last of the five major pieces. Here’s the ultimate challenge of life. I’ve worked on this you cannot believe how hard since age 25. And that is after applying better philosophy, attitude and, and activity

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Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 4 – Results.

Read Time < 1 mins   ‘Here was number four results. Results… results…. every once in a while you got to take a measure, see how you’re doing with these three pieces philosophy, attitude, activity. Now we take a measure called results. What is the results at the end of the day the results at the end of the week?

Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 4 – Results. Read More »

Jim Rohn 5 Pieces of the Puzzle. Piece 3 – Activity

Read Time < 1 mins   ‘So number two is attitude. Here is number three, activity. This is the work part, the labour part. Taking action, the activity is the miracle working piece, a miracle being something we don’t quite understand how it works, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It means we just don’t quite understand how it works, miracles

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Jim Rohn 5 Pieces of the Puzzle. Piece 2 – Attitude

Read Time < 1 mins   “Number two is attitude. We’re affected by how we feel. First, we’re affected by what we know. And the decision we end the decisions we make. Second, we’re affected by attitude. how we feel. It’s how you feel about the past. Got to have a good attitude about the past, use it as a

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