Self Help Narration

30 Days of Asking for an Eternity of Receiving – Earl Nightingale Narrated

Read Time 9 mins   (AUDIO TRANSCRIBED IN FULL) HOW TO CHANGE LIFE IN 30 DAYS | Earl Nightingale | Pay The Price | Inspirational Speech I want you to make a test that will last 30 days. And now it isn’t going to be easy. If you will give it a good try, it will completely change your […]

30 Days of Asking for an Eternity of Receiving – Earl Nightingale Narrated Read More »

Earl Nightingale – You Will Become RICH Once You’ve Understood THIS

Read Time 13 mins   From the earliest writings of man, we know that the human race has been comprised of the haves and the have nots. When I was a kid back during the Great Depression, I was obsessed with a desire to know what invisible something separated the haves from the have nots being I have not,

Earl Nightingale – You Will Become RICH Once You’ve Understood THIS Read More »

Jim Rohn – 5 Basic Fundamentals Of Life And Success Part 2

Read Time 10 mins   (Full transcription text) If new discovery starts to unfold for you that you’ve got the brains, you’ve got the talent, all you need is instruction, all you need some coaching, all you need is some help. All you need is some advice, some experience, if you’re headed down the wrong road, hopefully somebody’s already

Jim Rohn – 5 Basic Fundamentals Of Life And Success Part 2 Read More »

The Best Decision Ever – Jim Rohn Narrated

Read Time 6 mins   Some decisions are incidental, and some are small, and some, you know, are are part of a working day. But sometimes decision making can be one of the most important days of your life, maybe a decision you’ve postponed and postponed. And now you understand the penalty of postponing that decision, you’ve got to

The Best Decision Ever – Jim Rohn Narrated Read More »

Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 5 – Lifestyle

Read Time < 1 mins   ‘Now here’s the last one. Number five is called lifestyle.’ Lifestyle is simply learning how to live well. The last of the five major pieces. Here’s the ultimate challenge of life. I’ve worked on this you cannot believe how hard since age 25. And that is after applying better philosophy, attitude and, and activity

Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 5 – Lifestyle Read More »

Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 4 – Results.

Read Time < 1 mins   ‘Here was number four results. Results… results…. every once in a while you got to take a measure, see how you’re doing with these three pieces philosophy, attitude, activity. Now we take a measure called results. What is the results at the end of the day the results at the end of the week?

Jim Rohn’s 5 pieces of the puzzle. Piece 4 – Results. Read More »

Jim Rohn 5 Pieces of the Puzzle. Piece 3 – Activity

Read Time < 1 mins   ‘So number two is attitude. Here is number three, activity. This is the work part, the labour part. Taking action, the activity is the miracle working piece, a miracle being something we don’t quite understand how it works, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It means we just don’t quite understand how it works, miracles

Jim Rohn 5 Pieces of the Puzzle. Piece 3 – Activity Read More »