Hypnosis meditation

Working out our connected minds – Full hypnosis calming meditation exercise

Read Time 2 mins Understand how your mind works (and other people’s too) I would guess the last thing we understand in the world is ourselves and yet this is probably the most important discovery we could make? We strive so hard to learn about this and that at school and work, night classes and pastimes, but I am

Working out our connected minds – Full hypnosis calming meditation exercise Read More »

Get in the peak performance zone – Mini daily hypnotic exercise

Read Time < 1 mins Just imagine being at your peak all day and everyday, everything you do turns to gold with ease, its a delight and its light and breathless. This optimal performance flow is a natural geyser and it doesn’t require hard work and mantras, there’s no hope or fear or self belief effort. It’s a state of

Get in the peak performance zone – Mini daily hypnotic exercise Read More »

Walk in their shoes – Understanding your mind and theirs exercise

Read Time < 1 mins The purpose of this exercise is to reframe the way you view and think about the so called ‘difficult’ people we encounter as we wander along in life. To make you feel quite differently about them and the impact they can have. Its probably easy for you to picture someone you know even from these

Walk in their shoes – Understanding your mind and theirs exercise Read More »

Get in the peak performance zone – Brief daily hypnotic exercise

Read Time 2 mins HYPNOTIC EXERCISE Peak performance 1 Find a restful place where you won’t be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. Switch off all computer devices and phones. 2 Let your eyes close. Spend a minute or two just noticing your breathing, without trying to change anything. 3 Now take a few moments to think about nature.

Get in the peak performance zone – Brief daily hypnotic exercise Read More »

Breaking free from the past – Daily brief hypnotic session

Read Time < 1 mins On a previous blog I have covered in more depth a hypnotic session on searching out and removing unwanted conditioning. The purpose of this exercise is a more brief and direct session which will help search deep inside for the not so obvious roots of negative conditioning, will give you the space to allow them

Breaking free from the past – Daily brief hypnotic session Read More »

Grow your confidence – ‘looking at things a new way’ daily mini hypnosis exercise

Read Time < 1 mins How about this for a great viewpoint to remember. The feeling of confidence isn’t about certainty that something will turn out a particular way or confidence cushions you with a glowing faith that all will be well. No, confidence is more about relaxing with uncertainty in a situation. But being certain that whatever happens you

Grow your confidence – ‘looking at things a new way’ daily mini hypnosis exercise Read More »