333 That Street

333 That Number 9

Read Time 9 mins I-Mend Amend Defend Press-Send ‘Are you boys going to sit there all night with the same cold coffee?’ smiled Lady De Bora with more than a distinct hint of sarcasm, as she glided between the tables of her milieu. Lady De Bora ruled over the Crown with High Command. After all she had created this

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333 That Lady

Read Time 7 mins 333 That Street could never be described as a boring dwelling, in fact it was continuously flowing with every kind of kooky character bouncing in and out of its blue door. A blue door seemingly… this magnet, this lighthouse; this pied piper calling in the weird and wonderful from every dark corner of the globe.

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333 That Janitor

Read Time 7 mins For me, a solo flyer all these years, it was a wake up call now being an employer. A boss. A mentor. A tired weary step-father of chatterboxes. It’s not that I was isolated from acquaintances of every kind because I had clients and suits and overalls bouncing in and out of 333 with frequent

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333 That Paint

Read Time 3 mins That first day I met young Embla. Job interview. She was punctual and polite with tidy grammar, my 3 major specifications. I had already mentioned these to her during the phone call we shared arranging the interview date and time and honestly I wasn’t so sure, at this moment, she would pass even this basic

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333 That Street

Read Time 2 mins They called it ‘that’ streetWhen no sign could be foundJust this old grumpy houseShiny tower blocks surround. Its front door is blueand when you go throughthere’s many more doorsand a few extra floors. But there’s not such a viewfrom the windows you’ll seeJust skyscraper shadowsOver That 333. Alas no one lives here,not for many a

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