Jack Collins

333 That Number 9

Read Time 9 mins I-Mend Amend Defend Press-Send ‘Are you boys going to sit there all night with the same cold coffee?’ smiled Lady De Bora with more than a distinct hint of sarcasm, as she glided between the tables of her milieu. Lady De Bora ruled over the Crown with High Command. After all she had created this […]

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Overcoming Procrastination – 1. Tomorrow never comes.

Read Time 5 mins Of course the argument will always rumble on that before you can focus and concentrate like a razor sharp Olympian you need to actually have the get up and go to get the job started. Procrastination for me is like a devil chirping away on my shoulder. Sometimes its my friend giving me “super definite

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Focus and Concentration – 4. Ready Steady Go

Read Time 6 mins It doesn’t take long for the pop up addiction to take hold and soon enough becoming a deeper problem for the already struggling concentration levels. The apparent novelty and stimulation values of 24/7 new and shiny internet sugar candy soon become irresistible and reaching for the smart phone as the morning alarm goes off can

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Focus and Concentration – 3. Each thought is a choice

Read Time 6 mins If you’ve ever wandered through a forest or jungle or some kind of vast natural wilderness, you know there’s many steps to take to get to the other side. Many challenges under foot. Many bearings can be lost. In fact there’s always lots of other sides, not just your destination but many other destinations. If

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333 That Lady

Read Time 7 mins 333 That Street could never be described as a boring dwelling, in fact it was continuously flowing with every kind of kooky character bouncing in and out of its blue door. A blue door seemingly… this magnet, this lighthouse; this pied piper calling in the weird and wonderful from every dark corner of the globe.

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Crown 7th Chakra (Sahasrara)

Read Time 15 mins Crown Chakra symbol Sahasrara translates (from Sanskrit) to ‘thousand fold’ and the crown chakra symbol is depicted by a thousand-petalled lotus, consisting of 1000 petals with all vrittis from previous chakras, circle in the middle and Seed mantra OMॐin the centre. Location: Top of the head Responsibility: Spiritual connection Colour: Purple Cosmic energy, pure spirit,

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Third Eye 6th Chakra (Ajne)

Read Time 15 mins Third Eye Chakra symbol The Ajna symbol is an OM positioned over an inverted triangle that is seated within a circle between two lotus petals. This symbol contains two elements associated with wisdom: the upside-down triangle and the lotus flower. Location: Between the eyebrows Responsibility: Higher knowledge, intuition, sixth sense perception Colour: Indigo Element: Light

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Throat 5th Chakra (Vishuddha)

Read Time 14 mins Throat chakra (Vishuddha) symbol Vishuddha chakra symbol resembles a mandala lotus, and it consists of 16 petals with vrittis, an inverted triangle with a circle in it and seed mantra HAMहं in the centre. Location: Throat base and larynx centre Responsibility: Find your voice, speak your truth, self expression and conviction. Colour: Sky blue Element:

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