Billy Bugle

The Memeing of Life

Read Time 19 mins     He flung back the curtains and he squinty-squinty-squinted The sun was shiny-shiny-shining just as the astrologers hinted   Spooky how that happens. You see Norman Gimble didn’t know the sun was shining until his favourite online astrologer pinged him. ‘Today you are the Sun and the world moves around you.’ At £1.50 a […]

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Breaking free from the past – Daily brief hypnotic session

Read Time < 1 mins On a previous blog I have covered in more depth a hypnotic session on searching out and removing unwanted conditioning. The purpose of this exercise is a more brief and direct session which will help search deep inside for the not so obvious roots of negative conditioning, will give you the space to allow them

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I hear voices

Read Time < 1 mins I’m happy for you You’ve found your voice You’ve found your purpose You know your choice I feel your energy Shouting above the crowd I know your excited But my head is so loud I’m happy for you all You’ve all found your voices A myriad of purpose Twisted bundles of choices But its my

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Focus and Concentration – 2. Fear of missing out

Read Time 6 mins The problem with never starting a new adventure, let alone having the focus or concentration to keep going, is that other negative emotions attach themselves to your head, and then a well intentioned day just goes down hill and down hill until bedtime, which we all know seems to take forever to approach. Then as

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