Anxiety – Remove past bad experiences

Read Time 2 mins

1- Find a comfortable and peaceful place to sit or lie, where you can be sure you won’t be disturbed for a while.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly and focus on your breathing.

Breathe in and count to one….. two….. three….. four…..

And breathe out to the count of one….. two….. three….. four…… five….. six..…

And again

2- Breathe in and count to one two three four…

And breathe out to the count of one….. two….. three….. four….. five….. six..…

And carry on and do this any time you need to feel an inner calm.

You can use any method you know to plunge deeply and peaceably into hypnotic trance.

3- When you are nicely relaxed bring into your mind that time you were thinking of, when you suffered anxiety in the past.

4- Now get the sense of drifting out of yourself and just watching that time from a distance. as if seeing those events unfolding before you in a movie, just watching it all objectively and oh so calmly.

5- Take this opportunity to note and really learn something about that time that you had never noticed before.

This could be something about you in that time, or about another person, or about something else entirely.

6- Take time to notice how much more relaxed you feel about that time when watching it ‘from the outside’.

7- Then let the image fade. Spend an
‘interval’ just allowing yourself to relax even deeper in whatever way appeals at this time.

8- Now start to watch a ‘movie’ of the events once more. But now, watch it all happening as it would have happened if you had stayed calm and composed in that time.

9- As you watch that you remaining completely calm as those old events unfold, notice all the differences you can observe in that time as it would have been.

10- When your unconscious mind lets you know that you have learned everything you need from this experience, allow yourself to drift back into the room, feeling relaxed and alert.

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